Focusing the development problems of volatile organic waste gas treatment technology,
this paper first introducesvolatile organic waste gas treatment technology,mainly including volatile organic waste gas combustion method,such as using di-rect combustion method,
catalytic combustion method and treatment of voc waste gas,biological method and treatment of volatileorganic waste gas and treating volatile organic waste gas adsorption method. It discusses the volatile organic waste gas treatmenttechnology progress and application of microwave catalytic oxidation technology,mainly analyzes the governance of activated car-bon fiber technology and biological treatment technology,and introduces the application in the volatile organic waste gas treat-ment,the application of nano materials purification technology and membrane absorption purification technology in the application
of volatile organic waste gas treatment.
2. 與設(shè)備直接連接時,易作為陽極被犧牲掉,形成腐蝕。316L
1. 適應(yīng)于高含活性硫工況條件,對硫化氫有較好的耐腐蝕性能;
2. 一般不會產(chǎn)生硫化亞鐵,可有效避免自燃事故。
1. 適應(yīng)于高含活性硫條件,有著優(yōu)良的耐硫化氫腐蝕性能;
2. 不會產(chǎn)生硫化亞鐵。
3 廢氣處理工藝廢氣主要組分為硫蒸汽和硫化氫。硫蒸汽采用水洗法凈化,硫蒸汽經(jīng)水冷卻塔降溫后形成硫粉,由硫粉過濾器收集。硫化氫采用堿液吸收法,硫化氫在脫硫反應(yīng)器內(nèi)與 10% 氫氧化鈉溶液反應(yīng),凈化后的氣體硫化氫含量小于 10mg/m3排向大氣。