The CS-16-500 was designed for those departments that prefer Xenon 500W lamps to Metal Halide Lamps because of the extra Infrared output for forged documents. Small enough to be taken to the crime scene but versatile enough to fit comfortably in the lab, the CS-16-500 covers the UV - VIS and is available with optional IR. The life time of the lamp is the same as for the Metal Halide 400W lamps i.e. 1500 hours.
Note: Spare 500W Xenon lamps cost 2-3 times more than 400 Metal Halide while the Blue-Green intensity output used in most forensic applications is the same.
The CS-16-500 contains:
- AUTOMATED 15 position filter wheel controlled with up-down push buttons on front panel with continuous wavelength fine tune knob.
- 15 filters mounted on wheel: UV(300-400), 415, 445, 455, 475, 495, CSS, 515, 535, 555, SP575, 600, 630, 670, and white light.
- 10mm diameter 2 meter long liquid light guide for UV-visible light.
- Infrared Port is LP500. Upgradeable in the filed with xxxxxx below.
- Set of five goggles: (1) UV protective, (1) yellow, (2) orange and (1) red.
- Set of three 62mm diameter camera filters with ring adapters: (2) orange longpass, (1) red longpass.
- Remote heavy duty flexible arm to hold liquid light guide with 2 special superclamps, compatible with camera tripods, table top or table leg. Allows for Photography and two handed processing of evidence.
Rugged and user friendly case with build in wheels, lateral handle and pull out handle. - Carrying case for accessories.
- Manual on care and use of unit, covering all applications.
- CS-REMOTE - Remote wavelength selector at WORKING END of light guide. Allows user continuous wavelength selection using the same hand holding the light guide, freeing the other hand to dust or collect evidence.
37870 - Infrared output. Ideal for forged documents, ink-ink differentiation. Light guide and 4 filters for port on side of instrument. Filters include LP630, LP715, LP780, LP830.
Order CS-16-500 for 16 Filters on one filter wheel.
Order 37870 for 4 Filters including light guide.