An ideal entry point to the use of inkjet technology in R&D

Versatile automatic printing system
The microdrop Autodrop system provides a versatile platform for inkjet printing and material deposition on a broad range of substrates. The entry level model, the Autodrop Compact System, is an automatic printing system of modular design with which can control up to 2 parallel dispenser heads or pipettes.
An ideal medium for R&D purposes and small batch production, The Autodrop Compact provides an easy entry point to the use of inkjet technology in numerous fields. An extensive range of dispenser heads is available, offering flexibility for a wide array of uses.
- Contactless parallel dispensing in the pl-range, with control of up to 2 parallel dispenser heads (with 12ml storage bin) and/or pipettes
- Positioning accuracy and control ensured through software-controlled 3-axis system with positioning accuracy of ± 25μm each axis, generous travel range of 210mm x 210mm x 110mm (x-, y-, z-axis), and repetition accuracy of ± 10μm each axis
- Fast operation with maximum speed of 75mm/s and maximum acceleration of 500mm/s2
- Advanced graphics capability provided by optional Graphics Design Editor with continuous path control, allowing the operator to define free-designed patterns like curves and lines, and to import vector based graphic files (dxf-format)
- Easy refilling and cleaning
- Load: max. 5kg for y-table, 1kg for x- and z-axis
- Dimensions: w: 562mm, h:772mm, d:550mm
- Weight: 65kg
- Able to handle a wide viscosity range of 1…100 mPas
- DC-Servomotors 25W
Main Applications
- Microtechnology
- Material sciences
- Plastic electronics
- Life sciences / biochemistry
- Printed electronics
- Polymer research
- Meteorology research
- Medical engineering
- Deposition of silver nanoparticles
Product Catalog
- AD Compact
MJ-K-103 | AD-K-501 | MD-K-130 |
MD-K-140 | AD-K-801 | MJ-K-301 |
MD-K-140配有 MD-H-712或MD-H-714 | AD-K-901 | NJ-K-4 |