Registergericht: Amtsgericht Freiburg
Handelsregister-Nr: HRA 702627 Umsatzsteuer-Id. Nr.: DE815321188 Gesch?ftsführer: Wolfgang Warmbier
Rainer Pfeifle
Preisliste / Price list
gültig ab 01. Januar 2013
valid from 01st of January 2013
für / for
Katalog / catalogue 2012/2013
Wolfgang Warmbier GmbH & Co. KG
Systeme gegen Elektrostatik
Untere Gie?wiesen 21 / 78247 Hilzingen
.: 07731-86 88-0 / 07731 / 86 88-30
Homepage: www.warmbier.com / : info@warmbier.com
Stand: 05.01.2013 /rp
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
6 7220.880.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration Modell 880
6 7100.PGT120.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration PGT120
6 7100.EFM51.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration EFM51
6 7100.2000.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration Metriso2000
6 7100.2000.TF.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration TF-Sensor (Metriso2000)
6 7100.SRM110.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration SRM110
6 7100.WT5000.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration WT5000
6 7100.SRM200.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration SRM200
6 7100.CPM74.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration CPM74
6 7100.181.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration Safety Pips
6 7110.585.SET.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration Audit-Kit
6 7100.ESVM1000.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration ESVM100
6 7100.ESVM2000.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration ESVM2000
6 7100.3000.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration Metriso3000
6 7100.3000.TF.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration TF-Sensor (Metriso3000)
7 7901.CD.D Training CD-ROM, deutsch/german
7 7901.CD.E Training CD-ROM, englisch/english
9 1308.47002 ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 1,5 x 16 - 25 m, grau/grey
9 1308.47001 ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 1,5 x 16 - 25 m, hellgrau/light grey
9 1308.47055 ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 1,5 x 16 - 25 m, blau /blue
9 1300.1179.232 ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 Schwei?schnur/welding rod
10 1806.8404 ECOSTAT Centra-NV 2,0 x 25-35 m, hellgrau/light grey
10 1806.7204 ECOSTAT Centra-NV 2,0 x 25-35 m, blau /blue
10 1806.1204 ECOSTAT Centra-NV 2,0 x 25-35 m, beige
10 1280.R762 ECOSTAT Centra-NV R762 , Gebinde/pail = 10 kg
10 1280.T412 ECOSTAT Centra-NV R412 , Gebinde/pail = 14 kg
11 1250.680.R ECOSTAT MEGA 3.5 1,22 x 10 m = 12,2 qm per Rolle/roll
11 1250.680.Z ECOSTAT MEGA 3.5 "Zuschnitte auf Anfrage /
custom sizes on request"
11 1250.47002.R ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 1,5 m x 10 m = 15 qm per Rolle/roll
11 1250.47002.Z ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 Zuschnitte auf Anfrage / custom sizes on request
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
11 1250.68x ECOSTAT MEGA 3.5
11 1250.681 ECOSTAT MEGA 3.5 1220 x 1650 x 3,5 mm
11 1250.682 ECOSTAT MEGA 3.5 1220 x 2500 x 3,5 mm
11 1250.47002.S ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 1500 x 1200 x 2 mm
11 1250.47002.L ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 1500 x 2000 x 2 mm
12 1280.TF201 Thomsit 2,0 x 35 m
12 1280.DT200 Thomsit 0,8 m x 25 m
12 1280.K188 Thomsit Gebindegr??e/pail: 20 kg
12 1280.K112 Thomsit Gebindegr??e/pail: 12 kg
12 1280.T412 Thomsit Gebindegr??e/pail: 14 kg
12 Polycan
12 1131.7035.WL2.10 Polycan Gebindegr??e/pail: 10 kg
13 1130.7035.5 Polycan Gebindegr??e/pail: 5 kg
13 1132.7035.M.10 Polycan Gebindegr??e/pail: 10 kg
14 ECOSTAT Anti-fatigue mat
14 1306.B1.0650.0950 Drehkomfortmatte / easy standing mat "650 x 950 x 13 mm inkl./incl.
2 x 10 mm Druckknopf/snap"
14 1306.B1.Z Drehkomfortmatte / easy standing mat Zuschnitte auf Anfrage / custom sizes on request
15 1307.B1.0650.0940.VE Gehkomfortmatte / easy walking mat "Endstück/End tile: 650x940x13 mm
inkl./incl.10 mm DK/snap"
15 1307.B1.0650.0910.VM Gehkomfortmatte / easy walking mat Mitstück/Middle tile: 650x910x13 mm inkl./incl.10 mm DK/snap
15 1307.B1.Z Gehkomfortmatte / easy walking mat "Zuschnitte auf Anfrage /
custom sizes on request"
15 2821.AL.50 "Aluminiumband selbstklebend /
aluminium tape self-adhesive" "Breite/Width: 50 mm,
50 m pro Rolle/ per roll"
15 1307.B1.Q970.Q635.VE Gehkomfortmatte / easy walking mat "Endstück/End tile: 970x635x13 mm
inkl./incl.10 mm DK/snap"
15 1307.B1.Q970.Q610.VM Gehkomfortmatte / easy walking mat "Mitstück/Middle tile: 970x610x13 mm
inkl./incl.10 mm DK/snap"
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
16 Arbeitsplatz-Set/Workstation
16 1250.683 Arbeitsplatz-Set/Workstation
17 Tischbelag / Table mat,
17 1402.662.L Tischbelag / Table mat beige - 610 x 1220 mm
17 1402.663.L Tischbelag / Table mat grau/grey - 610 x 1220 mm
17 1402.664.L Tischbelag / Table mat grün/green - 610 x 1220 mm
17 1402.665.L Tischbelag / Table mat blau/blue -610 x 1220 mm
17 1402.662.S Tischbelag / Table mat beige - 610 x 900 mm
17 1402.663.S Tischbelag / Table mat grau/grey - 610 x 900 mm
17 1402.664.S Tischbelag / Table mat grün/green - 610 x 900 mm
17 1402.665.S Tischbelag / Table mat blau/bleu - 610 x 900 mm
17 Tischbelag / Table mat,
17 1402.662.R Tischbelag / Table mat beige -1,22m x 10m (=12,2 qm/Rolle)
17 1402.663.R Tischbelag / Table mat grey -1,22m x 10m (=12,2 qm/Rolle)
17 1402.664.R Tischbelag / Table mat green -1,22m x 10m (=12,2 qm/Rolle)
17 1402.665.R Tischbelag / Table mat blue -1,22m x 10m (=12,2 qm/Rolle)
17 1452.659.R Regalbelag/Shelf Storage Area 1,22m x 10m (=12,2 qm/Rolle)
17 Tischbelag / Table mat
17 1402.662.R10 Tischbelag / Table mat beige -1,00m x 10m (=10,0 qm/Rolle)
17 1402.663.R10 Tischbelag / Table mat grey -1,00m x 10m (=10,0 qm/Rolle)
17 1402.665.R10 Tischbelag / Table mat blue -1,00m x 10m (=10,0 qm/Rolle)
17 Tischbelag / Table mat,
17 1402.662.R61 Tischbelag / Table mat beige -0,61m x 10m (6,1 qm/Rolle)
17 1402.663.R61 Tischbelag / Table mat grey- 0,61m x 10m (6,1 qm/Rolle)
17 1402.664.R61 Tischbelag / Table mat green -0,61m x 10m (6,1 qm/Rolle)
17 1402.665.R61 Tischbelag / Table mat blue -0,61m x 10m (6,1 qm/Rolle)
17 1452.659.R61 Regalbelag/Shelf Storage Area 0,61m x 10m (6,1 qm/Rolle)
17 Regalbelag/Shelf Storage Area
17 1452.659.R40 Regalbelag/Shelf Storage Area 0,40m x 10m (4,0 qm/Rolle)
17 "Tischbelag/Table mat,/
Regalb./Shelf Storage Area" "Zuschnitte auf Anfrage /
custom sizes on request"
17 1402.66x.Z / 1452.659.Z Bearbeitungskosten/additional costs Zuschnittkosten pro St./cutting per pcs.
17 1402.66x.Z / 1452.659.Z Bearbeitungskosten/additional costs Ecken gerundet / rounded edges
17 1402.66x.Z / 1452.659.Z Bearbeitungskosten/additional costs "Druckknopf pro Stück in Ecken / snap per
piece at edges"
17 1402.66x.Z / 1452.659.Z Bearbeitungskosten/additional costs "Druckknopf pro Stück an spez. Slen /
snap per piece at special places"
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
18 1950.LC.3906 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1200 x 800 x 750 - 950 mm
18 1950.LC.3056 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1500 x 800 x 750 - 950 mm
18 1950.LC.3916 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1600 x 800 x 750 - 950 mm
18 1950.LC.3086 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1750 x 800 x 750 x 950 mm
18 1950.LC.3116 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 2000 x 800 x 750 x 950 mm
18 1950.LC.8300 "Aluminium-Aufbaukomponenten / aluminium
posts" "Profill?nge/profile length 1350 mm -
H?he/height: 900 mm"
18 1950.LC.8311 Aluminium-Aufbauportal/aluminium posts 1200 mm Tischl?nge/table length
18 1950.LC.8313 Aluminium-Aufbauportal/aluminium posts 1500mm Tischl?nge/table length
18 1950.LC.8314 Aluminium-Aufbauportal/aluminium posts 1600 mm Tischl?nge/table length
18 1950.LC.8315 Aluminium-Aufbauportal/aluminium posts 1750 mm Tischl?nge/table length
18 1950.LC.8316 Aluminium-Aufbauportal/aluminium posts 2000 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.3898 "Schienenbahn-Laufschiene /
additional sliding rail" 1200 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.3893 "Schienenbahn-Laufschiene /
additional sliding rail" 1500mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.3899 "Schienenbahn-Laufschiene /
additional sliding rail" 1600 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.3894 "Schienenbahn-Laufschiene /
additional sliding rail" 1750 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.3895 "Schienenbahn-Laufschiene /
additional sliding rail" 2000 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.3406 Werkzeugwagen / sliding hanger Tragkraft/loadbearing capacity: 20 kg
19 1950.LZ.8308 "Neigbare Ablagekonsole /
continously adjustable shelf" 1200 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.8303 "Neigbare Ablagekonsole /
continously adjustable shelf" 1500mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.8309 "Neigbare Ablagekonsole /
continously adjustable shelf" 1600 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.8304 "Neigbare Ablagekonsole /
continously adjustable shelf" 1750 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.8305 "Neigbare Ablagekonsole /
continously adjustable shelf" 2000 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.8248 Regalhalter / moveable storage rack 435 x 165 x 120 mm
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
19 1950.LZ.3901 Sichtlagerboxenregal / storage rack 430 x 155 x 310 mm
19 1950.LZ.8235 Ablageboard / storage rack holder 370 x 370 mm
19 1950.LZ.8328 Tr?gerschiene / storage bin holder 1200 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.8323 Tr?gerschiene / storage bin holder 1500mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.8329 Tr?gerschiene / storage bin holder 1600 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.8324 Tr?gerschiene / storage bin holder 1750 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.8325 Tr?gerschiene / storage bin holder 2000 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.3510 "Energieversorgungskanal /
metallic cable conduit" 1200 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.3516 "Energieversorgungskanal /
metallic cable conduit" 1500mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.3519 "Energieversorgungskanal /
metallic cable conduit" 1600 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.3517 "Energieversorgungskanal /
metallic cable conduit" 1750 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1950.LZ.3518 "Energieversorgungskanal /
metallic cable conduit" 2000 mm Tischl?nge/table length
19 1930.SAMC Langfeldleuchte / integrated task light 910 x 90 x 105 mm
20 1920.Z Tischplatten/benchtops Kundenspezifisch/customized
20 1950.LC.1906 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1200 x 800 x 780 mm
20 1950.LC.1056 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1500 x 800 x 780 mm
20 1950.LC.1916 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1600 x 800 x 780 mm
20 1950.LC.1086 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1750 x 800 x 780 mm
20 1950.LC.1116 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 2000 x 800 x 780 mm
20 1950.LC.3906 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1200 x 800 x 750 - 950 mm
20 1950.LC.3056 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1500 x 800 x 750 - 950 mm
20 1950.LC.3916 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1600 x 800 x 750 - 950 mm
20 1950.LC.3086 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 1750 x 800 x 750 - 950 mm
20 1950.LC.3116 Arbeitstisch / Workbench 2000 x 800 x 750 - 950 mm
20 1950.LZ.3478 Tischaufsatzgesl / shelves 1200 mm Tischl?nge/table length
20 1950.LZ.3484 Tischaufsatzgesl / shelves 1500mm Tischl?nge/table length
20 1950.LZ.3479 Tischaufsatzgesl / shelves 1600 mm Tischl?nge/table length
20 1950.LZ.3485 Tischaufsatzgesl / shelves 1750 mm Tischl?nge/table length
20 1950.LZ.3486 Tischaufsatzgesl / shelves 2000 mm Tischl?nge/table length
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
21 1950.LC.4133 Schubkastenblock-Unterbau/cabinet-fixed H?he/Height: 150 mm
21 1950.LC.4792 Schubkastenblock-Unterbau/cabinet-fixed H?he/Height: 300 mm
21 1950.LC.4003 Schubkastenblock-Unterbau/cabinet-fixed H?he/Height: 500 mm
21 1950.LC.4882 Schubkastenblock-Unterbau/cabinet-fixed H?he/Height: 500 mm
21 1950.LC.4002 Schubkastenblock-Unterbau/cabinet-fixed H?he/Height: 500 mm
21 1950.LC.4001 Schubkastenblock-Unterbau/cabinet-fixed H?he/Height: 500 mm
21 1950.LS.1006 Schubkastenblock-mobil / cabinet-moveable H?he/Height: 500 mm
21 1950.LS.1043 Schubkastenblock-mobil / cabinet-moveable H?he/Height: 500 mm
21 1950.LS.1004 Schubkastenblock-mobil / cabinet-moveable H?he/Height: 500 mm
21 1950.LS.1005 Schubkastenblock-mobil / cabinet-moveable H?he/Height: 500 mm
21 1950.LS.1003 Schubkastenblock-mobil / cabinet-moveable H?he/Height: 400 mm
21 1950.ZB.3011 Schubladeneinteilung/partition for drawers 100 - 300 mm - 3 F?cher/partitions
21 1950.ZB.3012 Schubladeneinteilung/partition for drawers 100 - 300 mm - 6 F?cher/partitions
21 1950.ZB.3013 Schubladeneinteilung/partition for drawers 100 - 300 mm - 12 F?cher/partitions
22 1930.SNL Lupenleuchten/Lighting magnifier SNL 319 A
22 1930.K Lupenleuchten/Lighting magnifier Tischklemme/Mounting clamp, 0-65 mm
22 1930.K.2 Lupenleuchten/Lighting magnifier Tischklemme/Mounting clamp,65-135 mm
22 1930.SNL.D4 Lupenleuchten/Lighting magnifier Aufstecklupe/Snap on lense SNL 319 A
22 1930.FGL Lupenleuchten/Lighting magnifier FGL 118 A
23 1930.WAVE Lupenleuchten/Lighting magnifier WAVE PLUS ESD
23 1930.WAVE.D4 Lupenleuchten/Lighting magnifier Aufstecklupe/Snap on lense WAVE
23 1930.STE Arbeitsplatzleuchte/work place lighting STE
23 1930.K Arbeitsplatzleuchte/work place lighting Tischklemme/Mounting clamp, 0-65 mm
23 1930.K.2 Arbeitsplatzleuchte/work place lighting Tischklemme/Mounting clamp,65-135 mm
23 1930.F Arbeitsplatzleuchte/work place lighting Tischfu?/bench top holder
23 1930.STE.L Arbeitsplatzleuchte/work place lighting Aufschnaplupe/plug on lense (STE)
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
24 Stühle / Chairs
24 1700.KS.B Stühle / Chairs Comfort Chair / Pal. = 12 St./pcs.
24 1700.KS.D Stühle / Chairs Comfort Chair / Pal. = 12 St./pcs.
24 1710.KS.B Stühle / Chairs Comfort Chair - Hochstuhl/High Model
24 1710.KS.D Stühle / Chairs Comfort Chair - Hochstuhl/High Model
24 1700.KS.13 Stühle / Chairs Harte Rollen / hard castors
24 1700.XS Stühle / Chairs Armlehnen/armrest
25 1700.ES.B Stühle / Chairs Economy Chair / Pal. = 18 St./pcs.
25 1700.ES.D Stühle / Chairs Economy Chair / Pal. = 18 St./pcs.
25 1710.ES.B Stühle / Chairs Economy Chair -Hochst./High model
25 1710.ES.D Stühle / Chairs Economy Chair -Hochst./High model
25 1700.KS.13 Stühle / Chairs Harte Rollen / hard castors
25 1700.XS Stühle / Chairs Armlehnen/armrest
26 1700.BS.S Stühle / Chairs Business Chair
26 1700.KS.6 Stühle / Chairs Sitz-Stopp-Rollen/Sit-Stop castors
27 1700.PU Stühle / Chairs PU Chair
27 1710.PU Stühle / Chairs PU Chair - Hochstuhl/High model
27 1700.KS.13 Stühle / Chairs Harte Rollen / hard castors
27 1700.XS.PU Stühle / Chairs Armlehnen/armrest - PU Chair
28 1700.9823.E Stühle / Chairs SINTEC
28 1710.9821.E Stühle / Chairs SINTEC - Hochstuhl/High model
28 1700.9801.S Stühle / Chairs black -Textilpolster/textile upholstery
28 1700.9802.B Stühle / Chairs blue -Textilpolster/textile upholstery
28 1700.9811.G Stühle / Chairs grey -Textilpolster/textile upholstery
28 1700.9803.R Stühle / Chairs red -Textilpolster/textile upholstery
29 1700.VS Stühle / Chairs Vinyl Chair
29 1700.KS.13 Stühle / Chairs Harte Rollen / hard castors
29 1700.XS Stühle / Chairs Armlehnen/armrest
29 1700.VH Stühle / Chairs Vinyl hocker / vinyl stool
30 1700.S Stühle / Chairs Standsitz / sit-stand stool
30 1740.001 Stühle / Chairs Fu?stütze / foot rest
30 1750.410 Stühle / Chairs Aufstiegshife/Kick-Step stool
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
31 Polo-Shirts
31 2625.P.* Polo-Shirts grau/grey - Gr??e/size S-3XL
31 2625.P.* Polo-Shirts grau/grey - Gr??e/size XS
31 2625.P.* Polo-Shirts grau/grey - Gr??e/size 4XL
31 2625.P.* Polo-Shirts grau/grey - Gr??e/size 5XL
31 2627.P.* Polo-Shirts blau/blue - Gr??e/size S-3XL
31 2627.P.* Polo-Shirts blau/blue - Gr??e/size XS
31 2627.P.* Polo-Shirts blau/blue - Gr??e/size 4XL
31 2627.P.* Polo-Shirts blau/blue - Gr??e/size 5XL
31 2629.P.* Polo-Shirts schwarz/black - Gr??e/size S-3XL
31 2647.P.* Polo-Shirts blau/blue - Gr??e/size S-3XL
31 2647.P.* Polo-Shirt blau/blue- Gr??e/size 4XL
31 2647.P.* Polo-Shirts blau/blue - Gr??e/size 5XL
31 2655.T.* T-Shirts grau/grey - Gr??e/size S-3XL
31 2655.T.* T-Shirts grau/grey -Gr??e/size XS
31 2655.T.* T-Shirts grau/grey - Gr??e/size 4XL
31 2655.T.* T-Shirts grau/grey - Gr??e/size 5XL
31 2657.T.* T-Shirts blau/blue -Gr??e/size S-3XL
31 2657.T.* T-Shirts blau/blue - Gr??e/size XS
31 2657.T.* T-Shirts blau/blue - Gr??e/size 4XL
31 2657.T.* T-Shirts blau/blue- Gr??e/size 5XL
31 2659.T.* T-Shirts schwarz/black -Gr??e/size S-3XL
32 2610.AM160.* AM160 Arbeitsman/Smock wei?/white - Gr??e/size S-3XL
32 2610.AM160.* AM160 Arbeitsman/Smock wei?/white - Gr??e/size XS
32 2610.AM160.* AM160 Arbeitsman/Smock wei?/white - Gr??e/size 4XL
32 2610.AM160.* AM160 Arbeitsman/Smock wei?/white - Gr??e/size 5XL
32 2630.AM160.* AM160 Arbeitsman/Smock blau/blue - Gr??e/size S-3XL
32 2630.AM160.* AM160 Arbeitsman/Smock blau/blue - Gr??e/size XS
32 2630.AM160.* AM160 Arbeitsman/Smock blau/blue - Gr??e/size 4XL
32 2630.AM160.* AM160 Arbeitsman/Smock blau/blue - Gr??e/size 5XL
33 2618.AM160.W.* AM160 Arbeitsman/Smock wei?/white - Gr??e/size S-3XL
33 2618.AM160.B.* AM160 Arbeitsman/Smock blau/blue - Gr??e/size S-3XL
34 2660.KAS160.W.* KAS160 Arbeitsman/Smock wei?/white - Gr??e/size S-3XL
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
34 2660.KAS160.B.* KAS160 Arbeitsman/Smock blau/blue - Gr??e/size S-3XL
35 2660.KL160.W.* KL160 Arbeitsman/Smock wei?/white - Gr??e/size S-3XL
35 2660.KL160.W.* KL160 Arbeitsman/Smock wei?/white - Gr??e/size XS
35 2660.KL160.B.* KL160 Arbeitsman/Smock blau/blue - Gr??e/size S-3XL
35 2660.KL160.B.* KL160 Arbeitsman/Smock blau/blue -Gr??e/size XS
35 2660.KL160.B.* KL160 Arbeitsman/Smock blau/blue - Gr??e/size 4XL
35 2660.KL160.B.* KL160 Arbeitsman/Smock blau/blue - Gr??e/size 5XL
36 2671.SS.B.* Sweat-Shirt - blau/blue blau/blue - Gr??e/size S-3XL
36 2671.SJ.B.* Sweat-Jacke - blau/blue blau/blue - Gr??e/size S-3XL
36 2671.SJ.B.* Sweat-Jacke - blau/blue blau/blue - Gr??e/size XS
36 2671.SJ.B.* Sweat-Jacke - blau/blue blau/blue - Gr??e/size 4XL
36 2671.SJ.B.* Sweat-Jacke - blau/blue blau/blue - Gr??e/size 5XL
36 8710.AM120.* AM120 Arbeitsman/Smock Gr??e / size S-3XL
37 2685.TY.* TYVEK Arbeitsman/Smock Gr??e / size S-3XL
37 Vlies Arbeitsman/Smock
37 2685.DS.* Vlies Arbeitsman/Smock Gr??e / size M, XL, 3XL
37 Ausweistaschen/Badge Holders
37 5221.3.IDP Ausweistaschen/Badge Holders IDP-STAT / PVC-VPE/unit = 10 St./pcs.
37 5221.2 Ausweistaschen/Badge Holders Karbon/carbon
38 Berufsbekleidung/Garments
38 8761.H.B Berufsbekleidung/Garments "Mehrweghaube/resuable cap
VPE/unit = 10 St./pcs."
38 8760.DC Berufsbekleidung/Garments "Einweghaube/Disposable cap
VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs."
38 8781.P.B.* Berufsbekleidung/Garments "Mehrwegüberschuh/resuable overshoe
VPE/unit = 5 Paar/pairs"
38 8781.P.40 Berufsbekleidung/Garments "Ersatzband/strap
VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs."
38 8782.D.O Berufsbekleidung/Garments "Einwegüberschuh/disp. overshoes
VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
Gr??e/size 35-44"
38 8782.D.O.XL Berufsbekleidung/Garments "Einwegüberschuh/disp. overshoes
VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
Gr??e/size 45-50"
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
39 Handschuhe/gloves
39 8745.P3.* Handschuhe/gloves "Gr??e/size S-XL
VPE/unit = 10 Paar/pairs"
39 8745.PVCB6.* Handschuhe/gloves "Gr??e/size S-XL
VPE/unit = 10 Paar/pairs"
39 8745.0401.* Handschuhe/gloves "Gr??e/size S-XL
VPE/unit = 10 Paar/pairs"
39 8745.PU5.* Handschuhe/gloves "Gr??e/size S-XL
VPE/unit = 10 Paar/pairs"
40 8745.PUB8.* Handschuhe/gloves "Gr??e/size S-XL
VPE/unit = 10 Paar/pairs"
40 8745.CG.* Handschuhe/gloves "Gr??e/size S-L
VPE/unit = 10 Paar/pairs"
Gr??e/size S-XL
40 8745.APU.* Handschuhe/gloves VPE/unit = 10 Paar/pairs
NEW ! 8745.AX.* Handschuhe/gloves "Gr??e/size S-XL
VPE/unit = 10 Paar/pairs"
40 8745.PS500.* Handschuhe/gloves Gr??e/size S-2XL
40 8750.B.* Fingerlinge/finger cots Gr??e/size S-L - VPE/unit = 1440 St./pcs.
40 8750.B.* Fingerlinge/finger cots Gr??e/size XL - VPE/unit = 1440 St./pcs.
41 2590.M3110 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 39-46
41 2590.M3120 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 39-46
41 2590.M3121 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 39-46
41 2590.M3130 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 39-46
41 2590.M3140 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 39-46
41 2590.M3980 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-42
41 2590.M3940 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-42
41 2590.M3990 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-42
42 2590.33230 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 39-48
42 2590.32610 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 39-47
42 2590.35710 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 40-46
42 2590.32430 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 40-47
42 2590.32923 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 39-47
42 2590.32922 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 39-47
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
43 2590.32600 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-47
43 2590.32300 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-47
43 2590.32310 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 39-47
43 2590.5300 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-47
43 2590.5310 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-47
43 2590.5245 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-47
43 2590.4045 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 34-48
43 2590.38210 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-47
43 2590.38212 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 48-51
44 2590.4085 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 34-48
44 2590.36872 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-43
44 2590.5001 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-42
44 2590.5009 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-42
44 2590.35840 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 40-46
44 2590.31092 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-42
44 2590.36892 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 34-43
45 2590.31035 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-48
45 2590.31030 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-48
45 2590.32125 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-48
45 2590.32125 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 49-52
45 2590.32147 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-48
45 259,032,147 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 49-50
45 2590.32189 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-48
45 2590.32189 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 49-52
45 2590.31037 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-48
46 2590.31036 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-48
46 2590.31366 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-47
46 2590.1275 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-47
46 2590.1272 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-47
46 2590.1122 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-48
46 2590.1122 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 49-50
46 2590.31038 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-48
47 2590.31000 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-46
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
47 2590.31031 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-48
47 2590.31058 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-48
47 2590.32174 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-50
47 2590.32174 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 49-50
47 2590.31033 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-48
47 2590.2626 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-48
47 2590.2626 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 49-52
48 2590.32145 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-48
48 2590.32145 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 49-50
48 2590.32243 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-48
48 2590.32615 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-48
48 2590.32615 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 49-50
48 2530.3890 JALAS Gr??e/size: 36-47
48 2530.3650 JALAS Gr??e/size: 36-47
48 2530.8202 JALAS Gr??e/size: 36-47
49 2590.39600 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35/36 - 45/46
49 2590.39610 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35/36 - 45/46
49 2590.32630 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-47
49 2590.32640 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-47
49 2590.32650 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-47
50 2590.3553 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-47
50 2590.3555 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-48
50 2590.3580 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-52
50 2590.3582 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-52
50 2590.3551 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-47
51 2590.3565 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-42
51 2590.3566 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 40-46
51 2590.3567 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-42
51 2590.3569 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 40-46
51 2590.3568 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-42
51 2590.3570 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 40-46
51 2590.3572 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 36-43
51 2590.3562 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-48
51 2590.3563 ABEBA Gr??e/size: 35-48
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
52 2575.AL106.NB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 36-47
52 2575.AL106.NB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 48/49
52 2575.AL106.XB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 36-47
52 2575.AL106.XB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 48/49
52 2575.VD2200.NB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 38-47
52 2575.VD2200.XB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 38-47
52 2575.EC200.NB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 36-47
52 2575.EC200.NB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 48/49
52 2575.EC200.XB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 36-47
52 2575.EC200.XB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 48/49
52 2575.434.NB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 35-42
52 2575.434.XB STEITZ Gr??e/size: 35-42
52 2575.Z27100 STEITZ Gr??e/size: 36-48/49
53 2550.79350 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
53 2550.79353 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
53 2550.79350.1 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-42
53 2550.79353.1 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-42
53 2550.79653 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
53 2550.79250 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
53 2550.79253 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
53 2550.79150 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
53 2550.79153 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
54 2550.44930 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-42
54 2550.44933 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-42
54 2550.79150.1 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-42
54 2550.2030 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
54 2550.2031 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
54 2550.2032 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 36-47
54 2550.2001.S ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
55 2550.79450 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
55 2550.79453 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
55 2550.1846 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-42
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
55 2550.80650 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
55 2550.80750 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
55 2550.80550 ELECTRA Gr??e/size: 35-48
56 2580.571068 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
56 2580.571068 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
56 2580.571060 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
56 2580.571060 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
56 2580.571058 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
56 2580.571058 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
56 2580.571050 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
56 2580.571050 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
56 2580.751038 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
56 2580.571038 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
56 2580.571030 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
56 2580.571030 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
56 2580.571048 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
56 2580.571048 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
56 2580.571040 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
56 2580.571040 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
56 2580.578158 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
56 2580.578150 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 39-46
56 2580.578148 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
56 2580.578140 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 39-46
57 2580.500348 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
57 2580.500340 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 39-46
57 2580.500148 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
57 2580.500448 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
57 2580.500248 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
57 2580.500240 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 39-46
58 2580.574068 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
58 2580.574068 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
58 2580.574060 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
58 2580.574060 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
58 2580.574058 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
58 2580.574058 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
58 2580.574050 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
58 2580.574050 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
58 2580.574038 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
58 2580.574038 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
58 2580.574030 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
58 2580.574030 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
58 2580.574048 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
58 2580.574048 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
58 2580.574040 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 35-41
58 2580.574040 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 42-48
59 2580.575028 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
59 2580.575020 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 39-48
59 2580.575038 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
59 2580.575030 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 39-48
59 2580.575048 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
59 2580.575040 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 39-48
59 2580.576028 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
59 2580.576020 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 39-48
59 2580.576128 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
59 2580.576120 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 39-48
59 2580.576148 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
59 2580.576140 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 39-48
59 2580.575148 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 36-42
59 2580.575140 ALPRO Gr??e/size: 39-48
60 2540.052.WP ESD-Line Gr??e/size: 35-43
60 2540.052.WG ESD-Line Gr??e/size: 35-43
60 2540.102.S ESD-Line Gr??e/size: 35-43
60 2540.011.S ESD-Line Gr??e/size: 35-43
60 2541.020.S ESD-Line Korkfu?bett-foot bed/Gr??e/size: 35-43
60 2540.621.B ESD-Line Gr??e/size: 35-48
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
61 Fersenb?nder/Heel Grounders
61 2560.890 Fersenb?nder/Heel Grounders Dauerfersenband/Heel grounder
61 2560.890.2.S Fersenb?nder/Heel Grounders Dauerfersenband/Heel grounder
61 2560.890.R Fersenb?nder/Heel Grounders Dauerfersenband/Heel grounder
61 2560.890.R.47 Fersenb?nder/Heel Grounders "Ersatzband/strap 47 cm
VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs."
61 2560.890.R.100 Fersenb?nder/Heel Grounders "Ersatzband/strap 100 cm
VPE/unit = 25 St./pcs."
61 2560.891 Fersenb?nder/Heel Grounders Dauerzehenb?nder/Toe grounders
61 2560.891.2.S Fersenb?nder/Heel Grounders Dauerzehenb?nder/Toe grounders
61 2560.894 Fersenb?nder/Heel Grounders Einwegfersenb./disposable heel gr.
61 2560.894.H Fersenb?nder/Heel Grounders Fersenbandhalter/container
62 2720.4260.* ESD-Socken/Socks wei?/grau - white/grey - S - 2XL
62 2720.8140.* ESD-Socken/Socks schwarz/black - S - 2XL
62 8160.2645.B Tacky-Mats "blue - 30 Lagen/Matte - 30 layers/mat
(VPE/unit = 4 Matten/mats)"
62 8160.2645.W Tacky-Mats "white- 30 Lagen/Matte - 30 layers/mat
(VPE/unit = 4 Matten/mats)"
63 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps
63 2050.750.3 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps 3 mm DK/snap
63 2050.750.7 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps 7 mm DK/snap
63 2050.750.10 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps 10 mm DK/snap
63 2051.750.3 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps 3 mm DK/snap
63 2051.750.10 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps 10 mm DK/snap
63 2052.750.5.3 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps 3 mm DK/snap
63 2052.750.5.10 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps 10 mm DK/snap
63 2053.750.M.3 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps 3 mm DK/snap
63 2053.750.M.7 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps 7 mm DK/snap
63 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps
63 2060.5410.K Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps "Einweghandgelenkb./disp.wrist strap
VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs."
64 Handgelenkb?nder/wrist straps
64 2100.752.3.10 Spiralkabel / coil cords 3/10 mm DK/snap
64 2100.752.7.10 Spiralkabel / coil cords 7/10 mm DK/snap
64 2100.752.10.10 Spiralkabel / coil cords 10/10 mm DK/snap
64 2101.752.3.10 Spiralkabel / coil cords 3/10 mm DK/snap
64 2101.752.10.10 Spiralkabel / coil cords 10/10 mm DK/snap
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
64 2101.752.3.10.1 Spiralkabel / coil cords 3/10 mm DK/snap (3,6 m)
64 2100.751.3 Spiralkabel / coil cords 3 mm DK/B-snap/b
64 2100.751.7 Spiralkabel / coil cords 7 mm DK/B-snap/b
64 2100.751.10 Spiralkabel / coil cords 10 mm DK/B-snap/b
64 2101.751.3 Spiralkabel / coil cords 3 mm DK/B-snap/b
64 2101.751.10 Spiralkabel / coil cords 10 mm DK/B-snap/b
64 2101.780.3.10 Mini-Spiralkabel / mini coil cords 3/10 mm DK/snap
64 2101.780.3 Mini-Spiralkabel / mini coil cords 3 mm DK/B-snap/b
64 2101.751.3.2 Spiralkabel / coil cords "3 mm DK/snap - Winkelbuchse/
angled 4 mm socket"
65 Safety Pips
65 7100.181 Safety Pips
65 7100.181.B Safety Pips 4 mm Bananensteckerbuchse/
4 mm banana plug socket
65 7100.181.K Safety Pips m. Meldekontakt/with relay output
65 7100.181.C Safety Pips Calibration Unit
65 7100.181.103 Safety Pips Netzger?t/power supply
65 7100.181.H Safety Pips Halterung/mounting plate
65 7100.181.K.M Safety Pips Zusatzmodul/additional module
66 Erdungsbausteine/grounding plug
66 2200.110 Erdungsbausteine/grounding plug ohne Kabel/without cable
66 2200.111 Erdungsbausteine/grounding plug 10 mm DK/snap
66 2200.113 Erdungsbausteine/grounding plug 4 mm ?se/ring terminal
66 2201.230 Erdungsbausteine/grounding plug 3 x 10 mm DK/snap
66 2200.121.10 Erdungsboxen/earth connecting box "2 x 10 mm DK/snap, 1 x 4 mm
Sicherheitsbuchse/banana plug socket"
66 2200.121.10.1 Erdungsboxen/earth connecting box 3 x 10 mm DK/snap
66 2200.121.10.2 Erdungsboxen/earth connecting box "1 x 10 mm DK/snap, 2 x 4 mm
Sicherheitsbuchse/banana plug socket"
66 2200.W.3 Erdungsboxen/earth connecting box 3 x 10 mm DK/snap
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
66 2200.BFE Erdungssysteme/Grounding systems Erdungsleiste/grounding box
67 2250.758 Erdungsleitung / grounding cord "10 mm DK/snap, 4 mm ?se/ring terminal,
1,5 m L?nge/length"
67 2250.758.2 Erdungsleitung / grounding cord "10 mm DK/snap, 4 mm ?se/ring terminal,
3 m L?nge/length"
67 2250.756 Erdungsleitung / grounding cord 10 mm DK/B-snap/b. - 1,5 m
67 2250.765 Erdungsleitung / grounding cord 10 mm DK/B-snap/b. - 3 m
67 2250.762 Erdungsleitung / grounding cord 10 mm/10 mm DK/snap - 1,5 m
67 2250.762.1 Erdungsleitung / grounding cord "10 mm/10 mm DK/snap - 1,5 m
ohne Widerstand, without resistor"
67 2250.757 Erdungsleitung / grounding cord "10 mm DK Schutzkappe/B-buchse -
encapsulated snap/banana plug socket"
67 2200.B Erdungssysteme/Grounding systems Erdungsleiste/grounding box
67 Erdungssysteme/Grounding systems
67 2280.774.10 Erdungssysteme/Grounding systems 10 mm DK/B-buchse-snap/b-socket
67 2287.10.4 Erdungssysteme/Grounding systems 10 mm/4 mm DK/snap
67 2287.10.10 Erdungssysteme/Grounding systems 10 mm/10 mm DK/snap
67 2280.779.10 Erdungssysteme/Grounding systems Nietwerkzeug/tool 10 mm DK/snap
67 2280.771 Erdungssysteme/Grounding systems 10 mm DK-Unterteil/snap fastener
67 2280.778 Erdungssysteme/Grounding systems Umrüstsatz/adapter
67 2280.772.12 Erdungssysteme/Grounding systems 10 mm DK-Oberteil/snap-top part
67 2280.800 Erdungssysteme/Grounding systems 4 mm Locheisen/hollow punch tool
68 7100.PGT2000.NET PGT2000 PGT2000 NET
68 7100.PGT2000.ID PGT2000 ID-Baustein/transponder
68 7100.PGT2000.IDCARD PGT2000 ID-Card/transponder ID-card
68 7100.PGT2000.TB PGT2000 Transponder-Tasche/tag blau/blue
68 7100.PGT2000.TS PGT2000 Transponder-Tasche/tag schwarz/black
68 7100.PGT2000.TW PGT2000 Transponder-Tasche/tag wei?/white
68 7100.PGT2000.C PGT2000 Calibration Unit
68 7100.PGT2000.SV PGT2000 Software-Paket 1/-package 1
NEW 7100.PGT2000.S PGT2000 Schuhwerkelektrode/shoe testing electrode - für/for PGT2000
68 PGT120
68 7100.PGT120.SM PGT120 Prüfplatzmatte/mat für footwear elec.
70 7100.PGT120 PGT120 Standard Version/standard version
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
71 7100.PGT120.COM PGT120 Sonderversion / special version
71 7100.PGT120.WK PGT120 Wandhalterung / wall mounting plate
71 7100.PGT120.CU PGT120 Calibration Unit PGT120/PGT120.COM
71 7100.PGT120.SM PGT120 Prüfplatzmatte/mat für footwear elec.
NEW 7100.PGT120.S PGT120 Schuhwerkelektrode /shoe testing electrode für/for PGT120
71 7100.PGT120.COM.D PGT120 Data Terminal & Drucker/Printer
NEW 7100.PGT120.COM.D.3 PGT120 Seiko Etiketten (2 Rollen a 310 St.) / Seiko lables (2 rolls a 310 pcs.)
72 WT5000
72 7100.WT5000.B WT5000 Walking Test Kit
72 7100.UAD1 WT5000 "AD-Wandler mit Software / AD-converter
including software"
73 7100.2000.MK Metriso 2000 Metriso2000 Kit -Version DE
73 7100.2000.MK.E Metriso 2000 Metriso2000 Kit -Version EN
73 7100.2000.G Metriso 2000 "nur Ger?t/only instrument - Version DE
(inkl. Messleitungen/incl cable set)"
73 71000.2000.G.E Metriso 2000 "nur Ger?t/only instrument - Version EN
(inkl. Messleitungen/incl. cable set)"
73 7100.2000.TR50 Metriso 2000 Kabeltrommel 50m/extension cable 50m
NEW 7100.2000.IRU Metriso 2000 Infrarot-Schnittslen-Adapter für Metriso 2000/ infrared communication port adapter
NEW 7100.2000.TF Metriso 2000 Temperatur/Luftfeuchtefühler/ Temperature/humidity sensor
73 7100.2000.ML Metriso 2000 "Ersatzleitungssatz /
cable set as spare part"
74 7100.3000.MK Metriso 3000 Metriso3000 Kit -Version DE/EN
74 7100.3000.G Metriso 3000 "nur Ger?t/only instrument - Vers.DE/EN
(inkl. Messleitungen/incl cable set)"
74 7100.2000.TR50 Metriso 3000 Kabeltrommel 50m/extension cable 50m
74 7100.2000.ML Metriso 3000 "Ersatzleitungssatz /
cable set as spare part"
74 7100.3000.SC Metriso 3000 Scanner Metriso3000
74 7100.3000.SC.D2 Metriso 3000 Scanner Metriso3000
75 7100.SRM200.K SRM200 "SRM200 in leitf?higem Koffer /
in conductive carrying case"
75 7100.SRM200.SK51 SRM200 StarterKit - SRM200/EFM51
75 7100.SRM110.A SRM110 SRM110 new edition
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
76 7220.840.SET Miniprobe-Set komplettes SET / complete SET
76 7220.844.1 Miniprobe-Set Ersatz-Messpins/probes as spare part
76 7220.844.C Miniprobe-Set Calibration unit
76 7220.841 Miniprobe-Set "Messkopf -Mini-Ringelektrode /
probe tip ""mini ring probe"""
76 7220.860 Point-to-Point-Probe Model 860
76 7100.PGT100.102 Metallplatte/Metal plate mit 10mm Druckknopf/with 10mm snap
76 2287.10.10 Metallplatte/Metal plate "Bananensteckeradapter /
Banana plug adapter"
77 7220.850 Probe Model 850
77 7220.850.1 Probe Model 850 Ersatzgriff/handle as spare part
77 7220.880.SET Ring Probe Model 880 komplettes SET / complete SET
77 7220.45 Hand-held Probe Model 45 Handelektrode/hand-held probe
78 7110.585 ESD-Audit-Kit Koffer unbestückt/case only
78 7110.585.SET ESD-Audit-Kit komplettes SET / complete SET
79 7100.EFM51 EFM51 Elektrofeldm./electrostatic Field Meter
79 7100.EFM51.CPS EFM51.CPS komplettes SET / complete SET
79 7100.EFM51.CPS.SET EFM51.CPS.SET SET ohne EFM51 / SET without EFM51
80 7100.ESVM1000 ESVM Electrostatic Voltmeter ESVM1000
80 7100.ESVM2000 ESVM Electrostatic Voltmeter ESVM2000
81 7500.XC Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers AEROSTAT XC
81 7500.XC.F Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Aerostat XC - Filter/filter kit
81 7500.PC Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers AEROSTAT PC
81 7500.G.FR Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Aerostat PC - Aufsteckrahmen/frame
81 7500.G.F Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Aerostat PC -Filter VPE/unit=6 St./pcs.
81 7500.ES2020 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers ENDSTAT 2020
82 7520.HF.SMB60 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers SMB60
82 7520.HF.SMB60.F Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers SMB60-Filter/filter kit
82 7500.M2 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers (ohne Netzteil/without power supply)
82 7500.M.S Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Schwenkarm / articulated arm
82 7500.M2.T Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Netzeil / power supply
82 7500.FU Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Fusion-Mini Ionizer
82 7500.FU.T Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Fusion - Netzeil/Power supply
82 7500.FU.F Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Fusion - Gebl?se/Fan assembly
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
83 7520.HF.SPN11 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers SPN11 - Ionisierdüse/ionization nozzle
83 7520.HF.SPN11.B1 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers L?nge/length = 267,5 mm
83 7520.HF.SPN11.B2 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers L?nge/length = 217,5 mm
83 7520.HF.SPN11.B3 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers L?nge/length = 217,5 mm
83 7520.HF.SPN11.B4 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers L?nge/length = 367,5 mm
83 7520.HF.SPN11.E Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers ELBOW - 58 mm
83 7520.HF.SPN11.T Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Schlauchadapterdüse / tube air nozzle
84 7500.G Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers AEROSTAT GUARDIAN
84 7500.G.FR Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Guardian - Aufsteckrahmen/frame
84 7500.G.F Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Guardian -Filter VPE/unit = 6 St./pcs.
84 7500.G.CR3 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers AEROSTAT GUARDIAN CR 2000
84 7500.G.CR2 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers AEROSTAT GUARDIAN CR 2000
85 7500.IF.14 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers IonForce -L?nge/length = 355 mm (14")
85 7500.IF.20 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers IonForce-L?nge/length = 508 mm (20")
85 7500.IF.32 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers IonForce-L?nge/length = 813 mm (32")
85 7500.IF.44 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers IonForce-L?nge/length = 1.118 mm (44")
85 7500.IF.56 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers IonForce-L?nge/length = 1.422 mm (56")
85 7500.IF.67 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Ionforce-L?nge/length = 1.702 mm (67")
85 7500.5050533 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Verl?ngerung/Ext./L?nge/length = 3,6 m
85 7500.5050534 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers Verl?ngerung/Ext./L?nge/length = 5,4 m
85 7500.HV.2 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers HV-Adapter 2 VPE/unit = 2 St./pcs.
85 7500.HV.4 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers HV-Adapter 4 VPE/unit = 2 St./pcs.
85 7500.PFC20 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers PULSE FLOW CONTROLLER PFC20
86 7500.TG3 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers TOPGUN 3 - standard
86 7500.TG3.42 Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers TOPGUN3 Kabell?nge/cable 4,2 m
86 7500.TG3.F Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers TG3 - VPE/unit = 2 St./pcs.
86 7500.TG3.F.T Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers TG3 - VPE/unit = 2 St./pcs.
86 7500.TG3.SK Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers TG3 -TOP GUN 3 SK
86 7500.O.SK Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers ORION SIDEKICK
86 7500.O Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers ORION - standard
86 7500.O.SK.N Ionisierger?te/Air Ionizers ORION SK with sensor
87 7100.CPM74.HM CPM74 HV-Kopf / HV-Head
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
88 Bürsten/brushes
88 6100.103 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 12,5 mm
88 6100.104 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 19 mm
88 6100.105 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 25 mm
88 6100.106 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 38 mm
88 6100.107 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 50 mm
88 6100.200 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 3 mm
88 6100.201 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 6 mm
88 6100.9001 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 30 mm
88 6100.9002 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 60 mm
88 6100.1001 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 140 mm
88 6100.4000 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 80 mm
88 6100.1200 Bürsten/brushes leitf?hig/conductive - 25 mm
89 6104.Y.103 Bürsten/brushes ableitf?hig/dissipative - 12,5 mm
89 6104.Y.104 Bürsten/brushes ableitf?hig/dissipative - 19 mm
89 6104.Y.105 Bürsten/brushes ableitf?hig/dissipative - 25 mm
89 6104.Y.106 Bürsten/brushes ableitf?hig/dissipative - 38 mm
89 6104.Y.107 Bürsten/brushes ableitf?hig/dissipative - 50 mm
89 6104.Y.200 Bürsten/brushes ableitf?hig/dissipative - 3 mm
89 6104.Y.201 Bürsten/brushes ableitf?hig/dissipative - 6 mm
89 6104.Y.9001 Bürsten/brushes ableitf?hig/dissipative - 30 mm
89 6104.Y.9002 Bürsten/brushes ableitf?hig/dissipative - 60 mm
89 6104.Y.4000 Bürsten/brushes ableitf?hig/dissipative - 80 mm
89 6104.Y.1200 Bürsten/brushes ableitf?hig/dissipative - 25 mm
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
90 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
2.500 St./pcs."
90 3110.360 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag 100x150x0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3110.361 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag 130x200x0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
1.000 St./pcs."
90 3110.362 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag 150 x 225 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3110.363 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag 200 x 250 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
500 St./pcs."
90 3110.364 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag 250 x 300 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3110.365 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag 300 x 400 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3110.366 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag 400 x 500 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3110.367 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag 500 x 600 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3110.368 PERMASTAT - Beu/bag 400 x 600 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
5.000 St./pcs."
90 3120.330 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 80 x 120 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
2.500 St./pcs."
90 3120.331 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 100 x 150 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3120.336 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 120 x 170 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
1.000 St./pcs."
90 3120.332 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 150 x 225 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3120.333 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 200 x 250 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3120.334 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 250 x 300 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
500 St./pcs."
90 3120.335 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 300 x 400 x 0,1 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
5.000 St./pcs."
90 3120.3301 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 80 x 120 x 0,06 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3120.3311 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 100 x 150 x 0,06 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3120.3361 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 120 x 170 x 0,06 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
90 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
2.500 St./pcs."
90 3120.3321 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 150 x 225 x 0,06 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
1.000 St./pcs."
90 3120.3331 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 200 x 250 x 0,06 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3120.3341 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 250 x 300 x 0,06mm (VPE = 100 St.)
90 3120.3351 PERMASTAT - Zipper Beu/bag 300 x 400 x 0,06 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
91 PERMASTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing
91 3130.340 PERMASTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 100 mm x 0,10 mm (250 m/Rolle)
91 3130.341 PERMASTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 130 mm x 0,10 mm (250 m/Rolle)
91 3130.342 PERMASTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 150 mm x 0,10 mm (250 m/Rolle)
91 3130.343 PERMASTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 200 mm x 0,10 mm (250 m/Rolle)
91 3130.344 PERMASTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 250 mm x 0,10 mm (250 m/Rolle)
91 3130.345 PERMASTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 300 mm x 0,10 mm (250 m/Rolle)
91 3130.346 PERMASTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 400 mm x 0,10 mm (250 m/Rolle)
91 3130.347 PERMASTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 500 mm x 0,10 mm (250 m/Rolle)
91 3135.15.0910 PERMASTAT-Halbschl./half tub. 910/910 x 0,15 mm (250 m/Rolle)
91 3140.1200.040 PERMASTAT-Flachfolie/flat film 1200 x 0,04 mm (500 m/Rolle)
91 PERMASTAT-Müllbeu/waste bags
91 3110.850 PERMASTAT-Müllbeu/waste bags 300+200x600x0,020 mm (500St./Rolle)
91 3110.850.2 PERMASTAT-Müllbeu/waste bags 380+320x1100x0,060 mm (100St./Rolle)
91 3110.890 PERMASTAT-Müllbeu/waste bags 500+400x1200x0,080 mm (100St./Rolle)
91 3110.853 PERMASTAT-Müllbeu/waste bags 420+750x1800x0,080 mm (75 St./Rolle)
91 3110.850.1 PERMASTAT-Müllbeu/waste bags 700 x 1100 x 0,060 mm (100St/Rolle)
91 "PERMASTAT-Seitenfaltenbeu / gusseted
91 3113.0600.0700 "PERMASTAT-Seitenfaltenbeu / gusseted
bags" 600+400x700x0,050 mm (VPE=250St.)
91 3113.0440.0500 "PERMASTAT-Seitenfaltenbeu / gusseted
bags" 440+340x500x0,050 mm (VPE=500St.)
92 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
92 3150.379 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 300mm x 100m 3-lagig/layer (30qm/Rolle)
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
92 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
92 3150.380 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 400mm x 100m 3-lagig/layer (40qm/Rolle)
92 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
92 3150.381 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 600mm x 100m 3-lagig/layer (60qm/Rolle)
92 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
92 3150.382 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. "1200mmx100m 3-lagig/layer
92 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
92 3160.0300 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 300mm x 100m 2-lagig/layer (30qm/Rolle)
92 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
92 3160.0400 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 400mm x 100m 2-lagig/layer (40qm/Rolle)
92 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
92 3160.0600 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 600mm x 100m 2-lagig/layer (60qm/Rolle)
92 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
92 3160.1200 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. "1200mmx100m-2-lagig/layer
92 3152.550.350 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. "Zwischenlagen/layer-550x350 mm
(VPE=500 St.)"
92 3152.350.250 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. "Zwischenlagen/layer-350x250 mm
(VPE=500 St.)"
92 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
92 3151.360 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 100x150mm+50mm (VPE=500 St.)
92 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
92 3151.361 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 130x200mm+50mm (VPE=250 St.)
92 3151.362 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 150x225mm+50mm (VPE=250 St.)
92 3151.363 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 200x250mm+50mm (VPE=250 St.)
92 3151.364 PERMASTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 250x300mm+50mm (VPE=250 St.)
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
93 PERMASTAT - stretch
93 3170.HA PERMASTAT - stretch Handabroller/Stretch film Unwinder
93 PERMASTAT - stretch
93 3170.0300 PERMASTAT - stretch 500 mm x 300 m x 0,025 mm
93 3170.1560 PERMASTAT - stretch 500 mm x 1560 m x 0,025 mm
93 "PERMASTAT-Seitenfaltenbeu / gusseted
93 3113.1250.1850 "PERMASTAT-Seitenfaltenbeu / gusseted
bags" 1250+850x1850x0,15 mm (40 St./Rolle)
93 3113.1250.0900 "PERMASTAT-Seitenfaltenbeu / gusseted
bags" 1250+850x900x0,15 mm (40 St./Rolle)
94 IDP-STAT - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
2.500 St./pcs."
94 3010.150.IDP IDP-STAT - Beu/bag 100 x 150 x 0,07 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
94 3010.151.IDP IDP-STAT - Beu/bag 130 x 200 x 0,07 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
94 IDP-STAT - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
1.000 St./pcs."
94 3010.152.IDP IDP-STAT - Beu/bag 150 x 225 x 0,07 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
94 3010.153.IDP IDP-STAT - Beu/bag 200 x 250 x 0,07 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
94 IDP-STAT - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
500 St./pcs."
94 3010.154.IDP IDP-STAT - Beu/bag 250 x 300 x 0,07 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
94 3010.155.IDP IDP-STAT - Beu/bag 300 x 400 x 0,07 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
94 3010.156.IDP IDP-STAT - Beu/bag 400 x 500 x 0,07 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
94 3010.157.IDP IDP-STAT - Beu/bag 500 x 600 x 0,07 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
94 IDP-STAT - Halbschlauchfolie/half tubing
94 3035.90.0910.IDP IDP-STAT - Halbschlauchfolie/half tubing 910/910 x 0,09 mm (250 m / Rolle)
95 CARBOSTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
95 3250.370 CARBOSTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 300mm x 100m 3-lagig/layer (30qm/Rolle)
95 CARBOSTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
95 3250.371 CARBOSTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 400mm x 100m 3-lagig/layer (40qm/Rolle)
95 CARBOSTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
95 3250.372 CARBOSTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 600mm x 100m 3-lagig/layer (60qm/Rolle)
95 CARBOSTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
95 3250.373 CARBOSTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. "1200mmx100m 3-lagig/layer
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
CARBOSTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
95 3252.550.350 CARBOSTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. "Zwischenlagen/layer 550 x 350 mm
(VPE=500 St.)"
95 3252.350.250 CARBOSTAT-LP-Folie/cushion mat. "Zwischenlagen/layer 350 x 250 mm (VPE
= 500 St.)"
96 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
5.000 St./pcs."
96 3210.150 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag 100 x 150 x 0,08 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
96 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
2.500 St./pcs."
96 3210.151 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag 130 x 200 x 0,08 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
96 3210.152 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag 150 x 225 x 0,08 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
96 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
1.500 St./pcs."
96 3210.153 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag 200 x 250 x 0,08 mm (VPE = 1.500 St.)
96 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
1.000 St./pcs."
96 3210.154 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag 250 x 300 x 0,08 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
96 3210.155 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag 300 x 400 x 0,08 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
96 3210.162 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag 350 x 450 x 0,08 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
96 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
500 St./pcs."
96 3210.156 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag 400 x 500 x 0,08 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
96 3210.157 CARBOSTAT - Beu/bag 500 x 600 x 0,08 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
96 CARBOSTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing
96 3230.250 CARBOSTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 100 mm x 0,08 mm (500 m/Rolle)
96 3230.251 CARBOSTAT-Schlauchfoie/tubing 130 mm x 0,08 mm (500 m/Rolle)
96 3230.252 CARBOSTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 150 mm x 0,08 mm (500 m/Rolle)
96 3230.253 CARBOSTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 200 mm x 0,08 mm (500 m/Rolle)
96 3230.254 CARBOSTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 250 mm x 0,08 mm (500 m/Rolle
96 3230.255 CARBOSTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 300 mm x 0,08 mm (500 m/Rolle)
96 3230.256 CARBOSTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 400 mm x 0,08 mm (250 m/Rolle)
96 3230.257 CARBOSTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 500 mm x 0,08 mm (250 m/Rolle)
96 3230.258 CARBOSTAT-Schlauchfolie/tubing 600 mm x 0,08 mm (250 m/Rolle)
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
97 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
3.000 St./pcs."
97 3310.HS.0305 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 76 x 127 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.0404 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 102 x 102 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.0406 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 102 x 152 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
2.000 St./pcs."
97 3310.HS.0508 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 127 x 203 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.0610 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 152 x 254 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.0810 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 203 x 254 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.0812 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 203 x 305 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
1.000 St./pcs."
97 3310.HS.0816 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 203 x 406 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.0818 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 203 x 457 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.1012 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 254 x 305 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.1014 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 254 x 356 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.1115 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 279 x 381 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.1212 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 305 x 305 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.1216 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 305 x 406 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.0626 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 152 x 660 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag "Kartoninhalt/bags per box:
versch. Mengen/different quantities"
97 3310.HS.1218 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 305 x 457 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.1418 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 356 x 457 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.1618 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 406 x 457 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.1818 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 457 x 457 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.1820 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 457 x 508 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.1824 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 457 x 609 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.2024 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 508 x 609 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.0426 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 102 x 660 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
97 3310.HS.1026 HIGHSHIELD - Beu/bag 254 x 660 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
98 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper
98 3320.WV.0305 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 76 x 127 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
98 3320.WV.0406 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 102 x 152 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
98 3320.WV.0508 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 127 x 203 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
98 3320.WV.0610 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 152 x 254 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
98 3320.WV.0810 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 203 x 254 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
98 3320.WV.0812 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 203 x 305 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
98 3320.WV.1012 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 254 x 305 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
98 3320.WV.1014 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 254 x 356 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
98 3320.WV.1216 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 305 x 406 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
98 3320.WV.1218 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 305 x 457 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
98 3320.WV.1418 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 356 x 457 mm (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
98 3320.WV.1818 HIGHSHIELD - Zipper 457 x 457 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
99 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
99 3350.392 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 300mm x 100m 3-lagig/layer (30qm/Rolle)
99 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
99 3350.393 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 400mm x 100m 3-lagig/layer (40qm/Rolle)
99 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
99 3350.394 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Folie/cushion mat. 600mm x 100m 3-lagig/layer (60qm/Rolle)
99 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Folie/cushion mat.
99 3350.395 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Folie/cushion mat. "1200mmx100m 3-lagig/layer
99 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Beu/cushion pouches
99 3351.0406 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Beu/cushion pouches 100x150mm+50mm (VPE=500 St./pcs.)
99 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Beu/cushion pouches
99 3351.0508 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Beu/cushion pouches 130x200mm+50mm (VPE=250 St./pcs.)
99 3351.0609 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Beu/cushion pouches 150x225mm+50mm (VPE=250 St./pcs.)
99 3351.0810 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Beu/cushion pouches 200x250mm+50mm (VPE=250 St./pcs.)
99 3351.1012 HIGHSHIELD-LP-Beu/cushion pouches 250x300mm+50mm (VPE=250 St./pcs.)
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
100 DRY-SHIELD - Beu/bag
100 3710.DR.0426 DRY-SHIELD - Beu/bag 102 x 660 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
100 3710.DR.0626 DRY-SHIELD - Beu/bag 152 x 660 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
100 3710.DR.1026 DRY-SHIELD - Beu/bag 254 x 660 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
100 3710.DR.1626 DRY-SHIELD - Beu/bag 406 x 660 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
100 3710.DR.1818 DRY-SHIELD - Beu/bag 457 x 457 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
100 3710.DR150.0426 DRY-SHIELD - Beu/bag- JEDEC 102 x 660 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
100 3710.DR150.0626 DRY-SHIELD - Beu/bag- JEDEC 152 x 660 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
100 3710.DR150.1026 DRY-SHIELD - Beu/bag- JEDEC 254 x 660 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
100 3710.DR150.1626 DRY-SHIELD - Beu/bag- JEDEC 406 x 660 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
100 3710.DR150.1818 DRY-SHIELD - Beu/bag- JEDEC 457 x 457 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
101 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags
101 3775.VA.017000 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags 1/6 unit (ca. 6 g) VPE=1350 St./pcs.
101 3775.VA.033000 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags 1/3 unit (ca. 12 g) VPE=800 St./pcs.
101 3775.VA.050000 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags 1/2 unit (ca. 18 g) VPE=720 St./pcs.
101 3775.VA.101000 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags 1 unit (ca. 35 g) VPE=400 St./pcs.
101 3775.VA.102000 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags 2 unit (ca. 70 g) VPE=240 St./pcs.
101 3775.VA.104000 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags 4 unit (ca. 145 g) VPE=120 St./pcs.
101 3775.PA.017000 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags 1/6 unit (ca. 6 g) VPE=1350 St./pcs.
101 3775.PA.033000 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags 1/3 unit (ca. 12 g) VPE=800 St./pcs.
101 3775.PA.050000 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags 1/2 unit (ca. 18 g) VPE=720 St./pcs.
101 3775.PA.101000 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags 1 unit (ca. 35 g) VPE=400 St./pcs.
101 3775.PA.102000 Trockenmit/Desiccant bags 2 unit (ca. 70 g) VPE=240 St./pcs.
101 3780.1060.N Feuchtigkeitsindik./Humidity Indicator 10-60%
101 3770.2080 Feuchtigkeitsindik./Humidity Indicator 20-80%
101 3780.3050.N Feuchtigkeitsindik./Humidity Indicator 30-40-50%
101 3780.0515.N Feuchtigkeitsindik./Humidity Indicator 5-10-15%
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
103 SAFESHIELD/PU-Schaumstoff-Foam
103 5510.903 SAFESHIELD 183 x 127 x 38 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 4903.0.15 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 178 x 127 x 15 mm (VPE =100 St./pcs.)
103 4903.0.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 178 x 127 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 4903.1.15 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 178 x 127 x 15 mm (VPE =100 St./pcs.)
103 4903.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 178 x 127 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 5510.904 SAFESHIELD 250 x 191 x 38 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 4904.0.15 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 250 x 191 x 15 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 4904.0.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 250 x 191 x 20 mm (VPE =100 St./pcs.)
103 4904.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 250 x 191 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 5510.905 SAFESHIELD 250 x 191 x 64 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 4904.0.15 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 250 x 191 x 15 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 4904.0.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 250 x 191 x 20 mm (VPE =100 St./pcs.)
103 4904.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 250 x 191 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 5510.906 SAFESHIELD 267 x 216 x 64 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 4906.0.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 267 x 216 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 4906.1.30 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 267 x 216 x 30 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 5510.910 SAFESHIELD 420 x 220 x 40 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 4910.0.15 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 420 x 220 x 15 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 4910.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 420 x 220 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 5510.911 SAFESHIELD 400 x 300 x 65 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
103 4911.0.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 400 x 300 x 20 mm (VPE= 80St./pcs.)
103 4911.1.30 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 400 x 300 x 30 mm (VPE=50 St./pcs.)
104 5510.907 SAFESHIELD 200 x 140 x 50 mm (VPE=80 St./pcs.)
104 5510.902 SAFESHIELD 95 x 30 x 15 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
104 5510.908 SAFESHIELD 100 x 60 x 15 mm (VPE=700 St./pcs.)
104 5510.909 SAFESHIELD 100 x 120 x 15 mm (VPE=400 St./pcs.)
104 5510.912 SAFESHIELD 250 x 191 x 110 mm
4904.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 250 x 191 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
104 5510.913 SAFESHIELD 300 x 300 x 100 mm
4913.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 300 x 300 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
104 5510.914 SAFESHIELD 330 x 180 x 70 mm
4914.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 330 x 180 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
104 5510.915 SAFESHIELD 380 x 320 x 60 mm
4915.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 380 x 320 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
104 5510.916 SAFESHIELD 393 x 300 x 90 mm
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
4916.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 393 x 300 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
104 5510.917 SAFESHIELD 420 x 220 x 65 mm
4910.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 420 x 220 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
104 5510.918 SAFESHIELD 490 x 460 x 80 mm
4918.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 490 x 460 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
105 5510.903.A15 SAFESHIELD 183 x 127 x 38 mm (VPE=50 St./pcs.)
105 5510.903.A20 SAFESHIELD 183 x 127 x 38 mm (VPE=50 St./pcs.)
105 5510.904.A20 SAFESHIELD 250 x 191 x 38 mm (VPE=20 St./pcs.)
105 5510.905.A20 SAFESHIELD 250 x 191 x 64 mm (VPE=10 St./pcs.)
105 5510.906.A30 SAFESHIELD 267 x 216 x 64 mm (VPE=10 St./pcs.)
105 5510.910.A20 SAFESHIELD 420 x 220 x 40 mm (VPE=10 St./pcs.)
105 5510.911.A30 SAFESHIELD 400 x 300 x 65 mm (VPE=5 St./pcs.)
105 5510.095 SAFESHIELD 630 x 95 x 95 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
105 5510.195 SAFESHIELD 630 x 195 x 95 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4903.0.15 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 178 x 127 x 15 mm (VPE =100 St./pcs.)
106 4903.0.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 178 x 127 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4903.1.15 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 178x127x15 mm -1:1(VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4903.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 178x127x20 mm-1:1 (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4904.0.15 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 250 x 181 x 15 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4904.0.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 250 x 191 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4904.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 250x191x20 mm -1:1(VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4906.0.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 267 x 216 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4906.1.30 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 267x216x30 mm -1:1 (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4910.0.15 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 420 x 220 x 15 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4910.1.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 420x220x20 mm -1:1(VPE=100St./pcs.)
106 4911.0.20 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 400x300x20 mm (VPE=80 St./pcs.)
106 4911.1.30 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 400x300x30 mm -1:1 (VPE=50 St./pcs.)
106 4930.1.43 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 353x253x20mm -1:1 (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4920.0.43 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 353 x 253 x 20 mm (VPE=100 St./pcs.)
106 4930.1.64 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 553x353x20 mm - 1:1 (VPE=50 St./pcs.)
106 4920.0.64 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 553x353x20 mm (VPE=50 St./pcs.)
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
107 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam
107 4550.06.0253 PE-Schaumstoff / PE-foam 253 x 353 x 6 mm
107 4550.06.0300 PE-Schaumstoff / PE-foam 300 x 300 x 6 mm
107 4550.06.0353 PE-Schaumstoff / PE-foam 353 x 553 x 6 mm
107 4550.10.0253 PE-Schaumstoff / PE-foam 253 x 353 x 10 mm
107 4550.10.0353 PE-Schaumstoff / PE-foam 353 x 553 x 10 mm
107 4550.03.1000 PE-Schaumstoff / PE-foam 1000 x 1000 x 3 mm
107 4550.03.1100 PE-Schaumstoff / PE-foam 1100 x 1500 x 3 mm
107 4550.06.1000 PE-Schaumstoff / PE-foam 1000 x 1000 x 6 mm
107 4550.06.1100 PE-Schaumstoff / PE-foam 1100 x 1500 x 6 mm
107 4550.10.1000 PE-Schaumstoff / PE-foam 1000 x 1000 x 10 mm
107 4550.10.1100 PE-Schaumstoff / PE-foam 1100 x 1500 x 10 mm
107 PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam
107 4450.W PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 253 x 353 x 6 mm (VPE=50 St./pcs.)
107 4451.W PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 553 x 353 x 6 mm (VPE=50 St./pcs.)
107 4456.W PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 253 x 353 x 15 mm (VPE=20 St./pcs.)
107 4457.W PU-Schaumstoff / PU-foam 553 x 353 x 15 mm (VPE=20 St./pcs.)
108 Warnschilder/Warning labels
108 2850.300500.D Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 300 x 500 mm - Achtung ESD
108 2850.300500.E Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 300 x 500 mm - Attention ESD
108 2850.150300.D Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 150 x 300 mm- Achtung ESD
108 2850.150300.E Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 150 x 300 mm - Attention ESD
108 2850.300500.KS.D Warnschild Kunststoff/Warning sign 300 x 500 mm - Achtung ESD
108 2850.300500.KS.E Warnschild Kunststoff/Warning sign 300 x 500 mm - Attention ESD
108 2850.300500.R.DE Warnschild Kunststoff/Warning sign 300 x 500 mm /rot-red
108 2850.150300.R.DE Warnschild Kunststoff/Warning sign 150 x 300 mm /rot-red
108 2850.4090.DE Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 40 x 90 mm (VPE = 100 St.)
108 2850.2040 Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 20 x 40 mm (VPE = 30 St./Bogen)
108 2850.3025 Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 30 x 25 mm (VPE = 50 St./Bogen)
108 2850.3030.R Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 30 x 30 mm /rot-red
108 2850.6035.D Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 60 x 35 mm (VPE = 30 St./Bogen)
108 2850.6035.E Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 60 x 35 mm (VPE = 30 St./Bogen)
108 2850.B.4090 Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 40 x 90 mm (VPE = 15 St./Bogen)
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
108 2850.6035.12.D Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 15 x 15 mm (VPE = 30 St./Bogen)
108 2850.6035.12.E Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 15 x 15 mm (VPE = 30 St./Bogen)
108 2850.6035.13.D Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 15 x 15 mm (VPE = 30 St./Bogen)
108 2850.6035.13.E Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 15 x 15 mm (VPE = 30 St./Bogen)
108 2850.6035.14.D Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 15 x 15 mm (VPE = 30 St./Bogen)
108 2850.6035.14.E Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC 15 x 15 mm (VPE = 30 St./Bogen)
108 2850.10 Warnschilder/Warning labels - PVC ? 10 mm (VPE = 250 St./bogen)
108 2822.1.MP.DE Messpunkt/floor marking sticker ?130 mm (VPE = 10 St./pcs.)
109 2822.1.5025 Bodenmarkierungen/Floor Marking Breite/width: 50mm/25m pro Rolle/per roll
109 2822.2.5066 Bodenmarkierungen/Floor Marking Breite/width: 50mm/66m pro Rolle/per roll
109 2822.1.EPA Bodenmarkierungen/Floor Marking 150 x 75 mm (VPE = 10 St.)
109 2850.3675.D Verpackung/Packaging 36 x 75 mm (1.000 St./Rolle)
109 2850.3675.E Verpackung/Packaging 36 x 75 mm (1.000 St./Rolle)
109 2850.6 Verpackung/Packaging ? 6 mm (4.000 St./Rolle)
109 2850.26105.DE Verpackung/Packaging 26 x 105 mm (1.000 St./Rolle)
109 2850.26138.DEF Verpackung/Packaging 26 x 138 mm (1.000 St./Rolle)
109 Papierklebeb?nder / paper tapes
109 2800.T.3866.DE Papierklebeb?nder / paper tapes 38 mm x 66 m
109 Papierklebeb?nder / paper tapes
109 2800.T.5066.DE Papierklebeb?nder / paper tapes 50 mm x 66 m
109 2890.A.50 Klebebandabroller/Tape dispenser 225 x 63 x 95 mm
110 Klebeb?nder / Tapes
110 2820.5066.IDP Klebeb?nder/tapes - PVC 50 mm x 66 m - IDP-STAT
110 2820.12733.Y Klebeb?nder/tapes - PVC 12,7 mm x 33 m
110 2820.25433.Y Klebeb?nder/tapes - PVC 25,4 mm x 33 m
110 2823.1033.HR Klebeb?nder/tapes - Polyimid 10 mm x 33 m
110 2823.2033.HR Klebeb?nder/tapes - Polyimid 20 mm x 33 m
110 2023.2533.HR Klebeb?nder/tapes - Polyimid 25 mm x 33 m
110 Klebeb?nder/tapes - Grid/PP
110 2820.3462.12 Klebeb?nder/tapes - Grid/PP 12 mm x 36 m
110 2820.3462.18 Klebeb?nder/tapes - Grid/PP 18 mm x 36 m
110 2820.3462.24 Klebeb?nder/tapes - Grid/PP 24 mm x 36 m
110 2820.3462.48 Klebeb?nder/tapes - Grid/PP 48 mm x 36 m
110 2820.1966 Klebeb?nder/tapes-Zellophan/Cellophane 19 mm x 66 m
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
111 EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier
111 1801.G.P.B EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier "Gurtabsperrpfosten - schwarz/
belt barier post - black"
111 1801.G.P.Y EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier "Gurtabsperrpfosten - gelb/
belt barier post - yellow"
111 1801.G.K.23.DE EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier Gurtbandkassette/belt head- 2,3m-DE
111 1801.G.K.23.E EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier Gurtbandkassette/belt head - 2,3m - E
111 1801.G.K.36.DE EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier Gurtbandkassette/belt head-3,6m - DE
111 1801.G.K.36.E EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier Gurtbandkassette/belt head - 3,6m - E
111 1801.G.K.0 EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier leere kasette/Dummy
111 1801.G.P.SA4 EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier Schilthalter / Sign holder A4
111 1801.G.W23 EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier Wandeinheit/wall mounted head2,3mDE
111 1801.G.W36 EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier Wandeinheit/wall mounted head3,6mDE
111 1801.G.WC EPA-Absperrsystem/EPA-Belt Barrier Wandclip/Wall recieving end
112 Ringbuch/Ring binders
112 5800.846 Ringbuch/Ring binders 45 mm / 4 rings
112 5800.847 Ringbuch/Ring binders 68 mm / 4 rings
112 5800.848 Ringbuch/Ring binders 68 mm / 2 rings
112 5800.850 Ringordner/Lever arch file 74 mm / 2 rings
112 Ablagekorb / Tray
112 5150.841 Ablagekorb / Tray 260 x 350 x 55 mm
112 Klemmbrett/Clipboard
112 5600.500.A4 Klemmbrett/Clipboard 230 x 320 x 1,0 mm
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
113 Tarifold IDP-STAT
113 5600.100 Tarifold IDP-STAT "Wandhalter mit 10 Schwenktafeln /
wall mounting frame wit h10 document holders"
113 5600.100.1 Tarifold IDP-STAT nur Wandhalter / wall mounting frame only
113 5600.324 Tarifold IDP-STAT "Schwenktafeln/document holders
VPE = 10 St./pcs."
113 5600.325 Tarifold IDP-STAT "Schwenktafeln/document holders
VPE = 10 St./pcs."
113 5600.101 Tarifold IDP-STAT Tischst?nder mit 10 Schwenktafeln / benchtop frame with 10 document holders
113 5600.120 Tarifold IDP-STAT "eskop-Tischhalter /
escopic benchtop holder"
114 Dokumentenhüllen/document holders
114 3115.321 Dokumentenhüllen/document holders DIN A4 (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
114 3115.323 Dokumentenhüllen/document holders DIN A5 (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
114 3115.320 Dokumentenhüllen/document holders DIN A4 (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
114 3115.319 Dokumentenhüllen/document holders DIN A4 (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
114 3015.319.IDP Dokumentenhüllen/document holders DIN A4 (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
114 Dokumentenhüllen/document holders
114 3015.322.IDP Dokumentenhüllen/document holders DIN A3 (VPE/unit = 50 St./pcs.)
NEW 3017.322.IDP Dokumentenhüllen/document holders DINA3(VPE/unit=50 St./pcs.) -IDP-PP
114 5720.LF.T.A4 Laminierfolie/lamination pouches A4-transparent-VPE/unit = 50 St./pcs.
114 5720.LF.B.A4 Laminierfolie/lamination pouches A4-bronze-VPE/unit = 50 St./pcs.
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
115 Dokumentenhüllen/document holders
115 3015.321.IDP.250 Dokumentenhüllen/document holders DIN A4 (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
115 3015.KH.IDP Dokumentenhüllen/document holders DIN A4 (VPE = 100 St./pcs.)
115 Schnellhefter/clear binder
115 5710.A4.1 Schnellhefter/clear binder VPE/unit = 25 St./pcs.
115 5710.A4.H H?ngemappe/hanging folder VPE/unit = 25 St./pcs.
116 DPC Platten/ DPC plates
116 5233.DPC300.3 DPC Platten/ DPC plates 3 mm (VPE/unit = 6 Platten/plates)
116 5233.DPC300.4 DPC Platten/ DPC plates 4 mm (VPE/unit = 5 Platten/plates)
116 5233.DPC300.5 DPC Platten/ DPC plates 5 mm (VPE/unit = 4 Platten/plates)
116 5233.DPC300.6 DPC Platten/ DPC plates 6 mm (VPE/unit = 3 Platten/plates)
116 5233.DPC300.8 DPC Platten/ DPC plates 8 mm (VPE/unit = 2 Platten/plates)
116 5233.DPC300.10 DPC Platten/ DPC plates 10 mm (VPE/unit = 1 Platten/plates)
116 5233.DPC300.MA DPC Platten/ DPC plates "Verpackungspauschale bei Abnahme von
unvollst?ndiger VPE′s"
117 DPF-Folie / DPF film
117 5235.DPF.100 DPF-Folie / DPF film 122 qm/sqm / Rolle/roll
117 5235.DPF.SK100 DPF-Folie / DPF film - SK 122 qm/sqm / Rolle/roll
117 DPF-Folie / DPF film
117 5235.DPF.100.A4 DPF-Folie / DPF film DIN A4 (VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.)
117 5235.DPF.SK.100.A4 DPF-Folie / DPF film - SK DIN A4 (VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.)
117 5235.DPF.100.Z DPF-Folie / DPF film "Zuschnitte auf Anfrage /
custom sizes on request"
117 5235.DPF.SK.100.Z DPF-Folie / DPF film - SK "Zuschnitte auf Anfrage /
custom sizes on request"
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
118 Kugelscharnierdosen/utility boxes
118 5100.860 Kugelscharnierdosen/utility boxes 55x38x14 mm (VPE/unit=100 St./pcs.)
118 5100.861 Kugelscharnierdosen/utility boxes 70x45x14 mm (VPE/unit=100 St./pcs.)
118 5100.862 Kugelscharnierdosen/utility boxes 130x32x14 mm (VPE/unit=100 St./pcs.)
118 5100.864 Kugelscharnierdosen/utility boxes 77x55x12 mm (VPE/unit=100 St./pcs.)
118 5100.865 Kugelscharnierdosen/utility boxes 117x90x21 mm (VPE/unit=50 St./pcs.)
118 5100.866 Kugelscharnierdosen/utility boxes 138x44x14 mm VPE/unit=100 St./pcs.)
118 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes
118 5100.873 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 16x12x15 mm (VPE/unit=100 St./pcs.)
118 5100.874 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 37x12x15 mm (VPE/unit=50 St./pcs.)
118 5100.875 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 40x37x15 mm (VPE/unit=25 St./pcs.)
118 5100.876 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 68x57x15 mm (VPE/unit=10 St-/pcs.)
118 5101.Y.873 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 16x12x15 mm (VPE/unit=100 St./pcs.)
118 5101.Y.874 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 37x12x15 mm (VPE/unit=50 St./pcs.)
118 5101.Y.875 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 40x37x15 mm (VPE/unit=25 St./pcs.)
118 5101.Y.876 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 68x57x15 mm (VPE/unit=10 St-/pcs.)
118 5100.880 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 16x12x15 mm (VPE/unit=100 St./pcs.)
118 5100.881 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 37x12x15 mm (VPE/unit=50 St./pcs.)
118 5100.882 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 40x37x15 mm (VPE/unit=25 St./pcs.)
118 5100.883 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 68x57x15 mm (VPE/unit=10 St-/pcs.)
118 5101.Y.880 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 16x12x15 mm (VPE/unit=100 St./pcs.)
118 5101.Y.881 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 37x12x15 mm (VPE/unit=50 St./pcs.)
118 5101.Y.882 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 40x37x15 mm (VPE/unit=25 St./pcs.)
118 5101.Y.883 SMD-Klappboxen/SMD boxes 68x57x15 mm (VPE/unit=10 St-/pcs.)
119 Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes
119 5150.830 Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes 273 x 265 x 187 mm
119 5150.830.A Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes Schubladeneinteilung / compartment A
119 5150.830.B Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes Schubladeneinteilung / compartment B
119 5150.830.C Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes Schubladeneinteilung / compartment C
119 5150.815 Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes 266 x 365 x 305 mm
119 5150.815.A Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes Schubladeneinteilung / compartment A
119 5150.815.B Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes Schubladeneinteilung / compartment B
119 5150.815.C Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes Schubladeneinteilung / compartment C
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
119 5150.831 Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes 266 x 365 x 305 mm
119 5150.831.B Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes Schubladeneinteilung / compartment B
119 5150.831.D Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes Schubladeneinteilung / compartment D
119 5150.831.G Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes Schubladeneinteilung / compartment G
119 5150.810 Schubladenschr?nke/compartment boxes 265 x 355 x 205 mm
120 5380.LK.1 Lagerkarussell/carousel 1760 x 470 x 470 mm
120 5380.LK.1.24 Lagermagazine/storage racks 85 x 55 x 135 mm
120 5380.LK.1.48 Lagermagazine/storage racks 63 x 35 x 135 mm
120 5380.LK.1.60 Lagermagazine/storage racks 50 x 35 x 135 mm
121 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins
121 5320.FA3Z Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins 350 x 200 x 145 mm / VPE/unit=12 St./pcs. I Pal.=168 St./pcs.
121 5320.FA4 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins 235 x 145 x 125 mm / VPE/unit=25 St./pcs. I Pal.=425 St./pcs.
121 5320.FA5 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins 175 x 100 x 75 mm / VPE/unit=42 St./pcs. I Pal.=1176 St./pcs.
121 5320.2 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins "500 x 300 x 200 mm /
VPE/unit=6 St./pcs. I Pal.=72 St./pcs."
121 5320.3 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins "350 x 200 x 200 mm /
VPE/unit=8 St./pcs. I Pal.= 96 St./pcs."
121 5320.3Z Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins 350 x 200 x 145 mm / VPE/unit=12 St./pcs. I Pal.=168 St./pcs.
121 5320.4 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins 235 x 145 x 125 mm / VPE/unit=27 St./pcs. I Pal.=459 St./pcs.
121 5320.5 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins 175 x 100 x 75 mm / VPE/unit=40 St./pcs. I Pal.=1120 St./pcs.
121 5320.6 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins "95 x 100 x 50 mm /
VPE/ unit=50 St./pcs. ."
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
121 Kennzeichnungsschilder/labels
121 5320.2.ET Kennzeichnungsschilder/labels VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
121 5320.3.ET Kennzeichnungsschilder/labels VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
121 5320.3Z.ET Kennzeichnungsschilder/labels VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
121 5320.4.ET Kennzeichnungsschilder/labels VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
121 5320.5.ET Kennzeichnungsschilder/labels VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
121 5320.6.ET Kennzeichnungsschilder/labels VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
121 5320.FA2.3.ET Kennzeichnungsschilder/labels VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
121 5320.FA3Z.ET Kennzeichnungsschilder/labels VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
121 5320,FA4.ET Kennzeichnungsschilder/labels VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
121 5320.FA5.ET Kennzeichnungsschilder/labels VPE/unit = 100 St./pcs.
121 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins - IDP-STAT
121 5321.R.4 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins - IDP-STAT 235 x 145 x 125 mm
121 5321.R.5 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins - IDP-STAT 175 x 100 x 75 mm
121 5321.R.6 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins - IDP-STAT 95 x 100 x 50 mm
121 5321.Y.4 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins - IDP-STAT 235 x 145 x 125 mm
121 5321.Y.5 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins - IDP-STAT 175 x 100 x 75 mm
121 5321.Y.6 Sichtlagerk?sten/storage bins - IDP-STAT 95 x 100 x 50 mm
122 5310.10 Beh?lter / tote boxes 400 x 300 x 120 mm / Pal.=152 St./pcs.
122 5310.14 Beh?lter / tote boxes 400 x 300 x 170 mm / Pal.=104 St./pcs.
122 5310.20 Beh?lter / tote boxes 400 x 300 x 220 mm / Pal.=72 St./pcs.
122 5310.25 Beh?lter / tote boxes 400 x 300 x 270 mm / Pal.= 64 St./pcs.
122 5310.31 Beh?lter / tote boxes 400 x 300 x 320 mm / Pal.= 48 St./pcs.
122 5310.15 Beh?lter / tote boxes 600 x 400 x 75 mm / Pal.=136 St./pcs.
122 5310.24 Beh?lter / tote boxes 600 x 400 x 120 mm / Pal.=80 St./pcs.
122 5310.33 Beh?lter / tote boxes 600 x 400 x 150 mm / Pal.=60 St./pcs.
122 5310.34 Beh?lter / tote boxes 600 x 400 x 170 mm / Pal.=52 St./pcs.
122 5310.42 Beh?lter / tote boxes 600 x 400 x 220 mm / Pal.=40 St./pcs.
122 5310.50 Beh?lter / tote boxes 600 x 400 x 236 mm / Pal.=36 St./pcs.
122 5310.55 Beh?lter / tote boxes 600 x 400 x 280 mm / Pal.= 28 St./pcs.
122 5310.70 Beh?lter / tote boxes 600 x 400 x 336 mm / Pal.= 36 St./pcs.
122 5310.80 Beh?lter / tote boxes 600 x 400 x 420 mm / Pal.=20 St./pcs.
122 5310.43 Beh?lter / tote boxes Hakendeckel/Top cover - 400 x 300 mm
122 5310.64 Beh?lter / tote boxes Hakendeckel/Top cover-600 x 400 mm
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
122 5310.43.PU Beh?lter / tote boxes "Hakendeckel/Top cover - 400 x 300 mm -
mit PU-Schaum/with PU foam"
122 5310.64.PU Beh?lter / tote boxes "Hakendeckel/Top cover-600 x 400 mm -
mit PU-Schaum/with PU-foam"
122 5300.FB.L Faltbox/collapsible box 600 x 400 x 220 mm
122 5300.FB.S Faltbox/collapsible box 400 x 300 x 220 mm
Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT
123 5311.Y.14 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 400 x 300 x 170 mm / Pal.=104 St./pcs.
123 5311.Y.20 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 400 x 300 x 220 mm / Pal.=72 St./pcs.
123 5311.R.14 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 400 x 300 x 170 mm / Pal.=104 St./pcs.
123 5311.R.20 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 400 x 300 x 220 mm / Pal.=72 St./pcs.
123 5311.Y.24 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 600 x 400 x 120 mm / Pal.=80 St./pcs.
123 5311.Y.34 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 600 x 400 x 170 mm / Pal.=52 St./pcs.
123 5311.Y.42 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 600 x 400 x 220 mm / Pal.=40 St./pcs.
123 5311.R.24 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 600 x 400 x 120 mm / Pal.=80 St./pcs.
123 5311.R.34 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 600 x 400 x 170 mm / Pal.=52 St./pcs.
123 5311.R.42 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 600 x 400 x 220 mm / Pal.=40 St./pcs.
123 5311.Y.43 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 400 x 300 mm
123 5311.Y.64 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 600 x 400 mm
123 5311.R.43 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 400 x 300 mm
123 5311.R.64 Beh?lter / tote boxes - IDP-STAT 600 x 400 mm
123 Beh?lter / tote boxes
123 5310.99.2 Beh?lter / tote boxes Etikettenklammer/label clamp
123 5310.99 Beh?lter / tote boxes Schiebeverschluss/sliding lock - black
123 5310.99.1 Beh?lter / tote boxes Schnappverschluss/snap lock - white
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
123 Etikettentasche/label holder - IDP-STAT
123 5221.4.IDP.250 Etikettentasche/label holder - IDP-STAT VPE/unit = 10 St./pcs.
124 Gefache / Partitions - SET
124 5420.G1.80 Gefache / Partitions - SET H?he/height: 80 mm
124 5420.G1.120 Gefache / Partitions - SET H?he/height: 120 mm
124 5420.G1.180 Gefache / Partitions - SET H?he/height: 180 mm
124 Gefache / Partitions
124 5420.553.23.80 Gefache/Partitions-L?ngssteg/long divid. 553 x 80 x 3 mm
124 5420.553.23.120 Gefache/Partitions-L?ngssteg/long divid. 553 x 120 x 3 mm
124 5420.553.23.180 Gefache/Partitions-L?ngssteg/long divid. 553 x 180 x 3 mm
124 5420.353.20.80 Gefache/Partitions-Kurzsteg/short divid. 353 x 80 x 3 mm
124 5420.353.20.120 Gefache/Partitions-Kurzsteg/short divid. 353 x 120 x 3 mm
124 5420.353.20.180 Gefache/Partitions-Kurzsteg/short divid. 353 x 180 x 3 mm
125 Gefache / Partitions - SET
125 5420.G2.80 Gefache / Partitions - SET H?he/height: 80 mm
125 5420.G2.120 Gefache / Partitions - SET H?he/height: 120 mm
125 5420,G2.180 Gefache / Partitions - SET H?he/height: 180 mm
125 Gefache / Partitions
125 5420.353.20.80 Gefache/Partitions-L?ngssteg/long divid. 353 x 80 x 3 mm
125 5420.353.20.120 Gefache/Partitions-L?ngssteg/long divid. 353 x 120 x 3 mm
125 5420.353.20.180 Gefache/Partitions-L?ngssteg/long divid. 353 x 180 x 3 mm
125 5420.253.20.80 Gefache/Partitions-Kurzsteg/short divid. 253 x 80 x 3 mm
125 5420.253.20.120 Gefache/Partitions-Kurzsteg/short divid. 253 x 120 x 3 mm
125 5420.253.20.180 Gefache/Partitions-Kurzsteg/short divid. 253 x 180 x 3 mm
126 Zwischenlagen/Separators
126 5401.0253 Zwischenlagen/Separators 353 x 253 x 3 mm
126 5401.0353 Zwischenlagen/Separators 553 x 353 x 3 mm
126 5425.0353.0553.PE Zwischenlagen/Separators "553 x 353 x 6 mm-mit PE-Schaum/with PE
126 Paletten / Pallets
126 5395.850 Paletten / Pallets 1200 x 800 x 160 mm
126 5395.900 Paletten / Pallets 1200 x 800 x 155 mm
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
127 Koffer / cases
127 5100.K42.N Koffer / cases 240 x 170 x 42 mm
127 5100.K53 Koffer / cases 340 x 250 x 53 mm
127 Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks
127 5200.03.H.S Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks 182 x 169 x 190 mm max. ? 180 mm
127 5200.03.H.L Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks 335 x 315 x 190 mm max. ? 330 mm
127 Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks
127 5200.04.V.S Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks 450 x 240 mm max. ? 250 mm
127 5200.04.V.L Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks 455 x 315 mm max. ? 330 mm
128 Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks
128 5200.01.560.365.178 Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks 560 x 365 x 178 mm
128 5200.02.362.188.110 Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks 362 x 188 x 110 mm
128 5200.180.180.2 Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks 180 x 180 x 2 mm ? 180 mm
128 5200.330.165.2 Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks 330 x 165 x 2 mm ? 330 mm
128 5200.330.330.2 Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks 330 x 330 x 2 mm ? 330 mm
128 5330.14 Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks 300 x 285 x 175 mm
128 5330.14.BS Spulenst?nder/SpoolRacks 300 x 45 x 15 mm
128 Klettband/Hook&Loop Band
128 3410.710 Klettband/Hook&Loop Band 710 mm VPE/unit = 25 St./pcs.
129 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks
129 5345.EL.V1 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 150 x 95 x 250 mm - Variante/Layout 1
129 5345.EL.V2 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 350 x 95 x 250 mm - Variante/Layout 1
129 5345.EL.V3 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 250 x 190 x 350 mm - Variante/Layout 1
129 5345.EL.V4 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 550 x 190 x 350 mm - Variante/Layout 1
129 5345.EL.V5 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 250 x 190 x 350 mm - Variante/Layout 2
129 5345.ELV6 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 550 x 190 x 350 mm - Variante/Layout 2
129 5345.EL.F1 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 152 x 53 mm
129 5345.EL.F2 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 252 x 53 mm
129 5345.EL.F4 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 352 x 53 mm
129 5345.EL.F6 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 552 x 53 mm
129 5345.EL4.1 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 350 x 30 x 190 mm
129 5345.EL4.2 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 350 x 35 x 190 mm
129 5345.EL3.1 Leiterplatten-Racks/PCB-Racks 250 x 30 x 95 mm
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
130 Leiterplattenhalter/PCB Racks
130 5366.210.S Leiterplattenhalter/PCB Racks 210 x 275 x 95 mm (LxB/H)
130 5366.350.L Leiterplattenhalter/PCB Racks 350 x 270 x 130 mm (LxB/H)
130 Leiterplattenhalter/PCB Racks
130 5366.350.250.G Leiterplattenhalter/PCB Racks 357 x 257 x 14 mm
130 4550.25.0255.LP Leiterplattenhalter/PCB Racks 355 x 255 x 25 mm
131 Regalsystem/Shelving system
131 5370.RB.1111 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 400 mm,
H?he/height: 2000 mm"
131 5370.RB.1112 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 500 mm,
H?he/height: 2000 mm"
131 5370.RB.1113 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 600 mm,
H?he/height: 2000 mm"
131 5370.RB.1131 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 400 mm,
H?he/height: 2000 mm"
131 5370.RB.1132 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 500 mm,
H?he/height: 2000 mm"
131 5370.RB.1133 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 600 mm,
H?he/height: 2000 mm"
131 5370.RB.1171 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 400 mm,
H?he/height: 2500 mm"
131 5370.RB.1172 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 500 mm,
H?he/height: 2500 mm"
131 5370.RB.1173 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 600 mm,
H?he/height: 2500 mm"
131 5370.RB.1191 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 400 mm,
H?he/height: 2500 mm"
131 5370.RB.1192 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 500 mm,
H?he/height: 2500 mm"
131 5370.RB.1193 Regalsystem/Shelving system "Tiefe/depth: 600 mm,
H?he/height: 2500 mm"
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
131 5370.RB.1111.SP.A Regalsystem/Shelving system
131 5370.RB.1112.SP.A Regalsystem/Shelving system
131 5370.RB.1113.SP.A Regalsystem/Shelving system
131 5370.RB.1111.BP.A Regalsystem/Shelving system
131 5370.RB.1112.BP.A Regalsystem/Shelving system
131 5370.RB.1113.BP.A Regalsystem/Shelving system
132 Transport Rolli
132 5390.200 Transport Rolli 610 x 410 mm
132 5390.200.SR Transport Rolli 610 x 410 mm Sonder-/special version
132 5390.ZS Transport Rolli Zugstange/pull rod optional 860 mm
132 5390.1198 Transportwage / utility cart mit Bügel/with plated metal handle
132 Transport Rolli
132 5390.231 Transport Rolli 615 x 415 x 135 mm (LxB/H)
132 5390.230.A Transport Rolli Aufrüstsatz/upper shelf
132 5390.232.DS "Transport Rolli -
Doppelstock/double-decker" 615 x 415 x 505 mm (LxB/H)
133 5390.800 Transport Rolli 810 x 610 mm
133 5390.ZS Transport Rolli Zugstange/pull rod optional 860 mm
133 5390.1133 Transportwagen / utility cart 770 x 450 x 160 mm (LxB/H)
134 "Transportwagen für Sichtlagerk?sten /
transport rolli for storage bins"
133 5390.BM.B "Transportwagen für Sichtlagerk?sten /
transport rolli for storage bins" Basic version 1150 x 1570 mm
133 5390.BM.S "Transportwagen für Sichtlagerk?sten /
transport rolli for storage bins" Aufh?ngeschienen einzeln/single rail
133 5390.LW1001 "EPA Werkstattwagen /
EPA workshop trolley" 1135 x 590 x 813 mm (SxB/H)
134 5390.T Transportwagen / transport cart 1000 x 600 x 1760 mm (LxB/H)
134 5390.V Transportwagen / transport cart 1030 x 600 x 1660 mm (LxB/H)
134 5390.1210.01 Transportwagen / storage cart 925 x 405 mm
134 5390.12102 Transportwagen / storage cart Ablageboden einzeln/single shelves
134 5390.1207.01 Transportwagen / storage cart 625 x 405 mm
134 5390.12072 Transportwagen / storage cart Ablageboden einzeln/single shelves
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
135 Transportwagen / utility carts
135 5390.400 Transportwagen / utility carts 740 x 430 mm - 2 Ablagen/shelves
135 5390.400.A Transportwagen / utility carts Ablageboden 3.Fach/3rd shelf
135 5390.700 Transportwagen / utility carts 950 x 540 mm - 3 Ablagen/shelves
135 5390.510 Transportwagen / utility carts 950 x 540 mm - 1 Ablage/shelf
135 Riefenprofil-Belag/Rubber Mat
135 1451.7206.R Riefenprofil-Belag/Rubber Mat 1,20 x 10 m = 12 qm per Rolle/roll
135 1451.7206.Z Riefenprofil-Belag/Rubber Mat "Zuschnitte auf Anfrage /
custom sizes on request"
136 Service-Kit/field service kit
136 2400.700.KIT Service-Kit/field service kit Farbe: rot / red
136 Staubsauger/vacuum cleaner - CONVAC
136 7360.VAC Staubsauger/vacuum cleaner - CONVAC 1200 Watt
136 7360.VAC.22009480 Filter/Ersatzteile - filter/spareparts VPE/unit = 10 St./pcs.
136 7360.VAC.7700120 Filter/Ersatzteile - filter/spareparts Filterkartusche/filter cartridge standard
136 7360.VAC.7401680 Filter/Ersatzteile - filter/spareparts Motorfilter standard
136 7360.VAC.220107 Filter/Ersatzteile - filter/spareparts Schlauch/hose: 2,5 m
136 7360.VAC.19 Filter/Ersatzteile - filter/spareparts Schlauch/hose: 4 m
136 5180.M600 Wertstoffsammler/waste trolley 835 x 700 x 1070/1410 mm
137 Mehrzweckbeh?lter/multi use bin-set
137 5180.890.SET Mehrzweckbeh?lter/multi use bin-set Set, 510 x 490 x 725 mm
137 5180.890 Mehrzweckbeh?lter/multi use bin-set Beh?lter/bin: 510 x 490 x 600 mm
137 5180.890.D Mehrzweckbeh?lter/multi use bin-set Deckel/lid: 510 x 460 x 50 mm
137 5180.890.F Mehrzweckbeh?lter/multi use bin-set Fahrwagen/trolley: 370 x 370 x 140 mm
Seite page Artikelnummer / part number Suchwort / search word Beschreibung/ description
137 5180.850 Papierkorb / waste basket ? 300 mm H: 320 mm,V: 14 Ltr.
137 5180.854 Papierkorb / waste basket ? 395 mm H: 420 mm,V: 35 Ltr.
137 5180.860 Papierkorb / waste basket 280 x 555 mm H: 590 mm,V: 60 Ltr.
137 PERMASTAT - Müllbeu/waste bags
137 3110.850 PERMASTAT - Müllbeu/waste bags 300+200x600x0,020 mm (500St./Rolle)
137 3110.850.2 PERMASTAT - Müllbeu/waste bags 380+320x1100x0,060 mm (100St./Rolle)
137 3110.890 PERMASTAT - Müllbeu/waste bags 500+400x1200x0,080 mm (100St./Rolle)
137 3110.853 PERMASTAT - Müllbeu/waste bags 750+750x1800x0,080 mm (75St./Rolle)
137 3110.850.1 PERMASTAT - Müllbeu/waste bags 700x1100x0,060 mm (100St./Rolle)
138 Kehrbesen / brooms
138 6101.400 Kehrbesen / brooms Bürstenbreite/brush width: 400 mm
138 6101.500 Kehrbesen / brooms Bürstenbreite/brush width: 500 mm
138 6101.K Kehrbesen / brooms Kehrschaufelset/dustpan and brush
138 6101.160.N Kehrbesen / brooms Handbesen/workbench brush
138 6101.S.290 Kehrbesen / brooms Kehrschaufel/dustpan
138 Wischtücher / ESD wipes
138 8850.WP Wischtücher / ESD wipes VPE/unit = 50 St./pcs.
138 6200.20 Wischtücher / ESD wipes VPE/unit = 50 St./pcs.
139 ESD-Floor-Polish
139 2900.581.1 ESD-Floor-Polish 5 Liter/litre
139 2900.580 ESD-Floor-Stripper 5 Liter/litre
139 2900.560.1 ESD-Floor-Cleaner 5 Liter/litre
139 2900.570 ESD-Cleaner 1 Liter/litre Sprühflasche/spray bottle
139 2900.571.1 ESD-Cleaner 5 Liter/litre
Die aufgeführten Preise sind ?freibleibend“ !
Stand 12/2012 Irrtümer vorbehalten
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