TDA-4B TDA-4B懸浮粒子發(fā)生器有 6個噴嘴,當它在 20PSI時每分鐘被稀釋入810 立方英尺的空氣,氣體濃度是100微克/升左右。三個閥允許儀器可以在1-6個噴嘴之間操作,提供一個寬范圍的空氣懸浮粒子濃度。 TDA-4B Aerosol Generator TDA-4B懸浮粒子發(fā)生器 1, TDA-4B懸浮粒子發(fā)生器產(chǎn)品特點: 2, TDA-4B懸浮粒子發(fā)生器產(chǎn)品市場: 3, TDA-4B懸浮粒子發(fā)生器產(chǎn)品介紹: ATI 制作便攜式Laskin噴頭噴霧型懸浮粒子發(fā)生器能產(chǎn)生次微米的多種直徑的油霧懸浮粒子,濃度從 10 到100 微克/升,當流速在 50 到 8,100 立方英尺每分鐘之間(壓力在 20 psi下)。 4, TDA-4B懸浮粒子發(fā)生器技術(shù)參數(shù): ATI manufactures portable Laskin nozzle aerosol generators which produce a sub-micron polydispersed oil mist aerosol in concentrations from 10 to 100 micrograms per liter (ug/l) at air flows from 50 to 8,100 cfm. Aerosol generators and photometers are used to integrity test or locate leaks in high efficiency air filtration systems. Filter manufacturers use this equipment to scan ULPA and HEPA filters to verify they are free from manufacturing defects. Filter certifiers use this equipment to insure that filters were not damaged in shipping and have been installed properly, eliminating any leakage. With the proper generator and photometer combination, filter deficiencies such as pinholes, thin spots, gasket leaks, frame leaks or seal problems can be quickly and quantifiably pinpointed and corrected thus protecting product and personnel. Both the TDA-4B and the TDA-4BLite feature several improvements including rugged stainless steel construction, large fill port, individual nozzle control, and a 3" standard sanitary outlet fitting. An optional hose adapter, part # 9300100, is available for introducing the aerosol into positive pressure systems. Features The TDA-4B is the latest design in rugged, lightweight Laskin nozzle generators from ATI. The TDA-4B is a small, compact aerosol generator which requires only a supply of clean, compressed air to create polydispersed sub-micron oil aerosol. The TDA-4B has 6 Laskin nozzles. Three valves permit the unit to be operated with 1 to 6 nozzles, providing a wide range of aerosol concentrations. The TDA-4B is recommended for testing systems with air flows of 8,100 cfm and lower. It is ideal for work stations, Negative Pressure Filtration Units, biosafety cabinets, ceiling modules, small or portable cleanrooms, or HEPA filter units in installations where an adequate supply of clean, compressed air is readily available. TDA-4B SPECIFICATIONS Applications Research and Development Industries * If more than 20 psig is used, the output concentration will increase and conversely, if less than 20 psig is used, the output concentration will decrease. * If using more than 2 nozzles, upstream concentration should be measured
1.1 Laskin Nozzle 產(chǎn)塵方式
1.2 手動可調(diào)節(jié)
1.3 大容量裝載產(chǎn)塵
2.1 潔凈房
2.2 HVAC系統(tǒng)
2.3 HEPA過濾器
2.4 ULPA過濾器
2.5 手術(shù)室
2.6 核子過濾系統(tǒng)
2.7 科技研發(fā)
懸浮粒子發(fā)生器和光度計被用于高效的空氣過濾系統(tǒng)中完整性測試或查找泄露源測試。過濾器制造商用這個設備去掃描 ULPA 和HEPA ( 超高效,高效)過濾器去驗證它們的產(chǎn)品。 過濾器論證商用這個設備去確認過濾器沒有在運輸中損壞 和是否*正確的被安裝并沒有任何泄露。
TDA-4B懸浮粒子發(fā)生器和 TDA-4B Lite 功能在幾個方面得到了改進,象堅固的不銹鋼結(jié)構(gòu),大的填裝口,獨立的噴頭控制和 3英寸標準的衛(wèi)生接頭輸出。一個可選的軟管適配器,零件號為9300100,為導入懸浮粒子進入正壓系統(tǒng)提供。 TDA-4B是 ATI 公司zui近設計的耐用的,輕便的,小巧的, 緊湊的懸浮粒子發(fā)生器。需要的僅僅是供應干凈的壓縮空氣來產(chǎn)生多種直徑的次微米的懸浮粒子。
TDA-4B懸浮粒子發(fā)生器有 6個噴嘴,當它在 20PSI時每分鐘被稀釋入810 立方英尺的空氣,氣體濃度是100微克/升左右。三個閥允許儀器可以在1-6個噴嘴之間操作,提供一個寬范圍的空氣懸浮粒子濃度。
TDA-4B懸浮粒子發(fā)生器被推薦用于測試流速為 8,100 cfm 和以下的系統(tǒng)。它是理想的為工位,負壓過濾系統(tǒng),生物安全柜,吊頂模塊,小的潔凈室,或 HEPA 過濾單元測試泄露的工具。
4.1 空氣懸浮粒子輸出范圍: 50 - 8,100立方英尺每分鐘
4.2 懸浮粒子濃度: 100微克 / 升在 810 立方英尺每分鐘流量時
4.3 懸浮粒子濃度: 10微克 / 升在8,100立方英尺每分鐘時流量時
4.4 產(chǎn)生類型: 1到6個laskin噴霧頭輸出
4.5 壓縮氣體(惰性氣體): 3 到 18 立方英尺每分鐘流量在20 psi下
4.6 氣體類型: 多種直徑的粒子 (冷)
4.7 尺寸: (25cm L X 28cm W X23cm H)
4.8 重量: 7.3KG
4.9 電源: 不需要
華宇凈化-激光塵埃粒子計數(shù)器.塵埃粒子計數(shù)器.粒子計數(shù)器.生物安全柜.潔凈工作臺.超凈工作臺.風淋室.風淋.壓差計.空氣凈化.凈化設備.風速儀.FFU.潔凈采樣車.高效過濾器.Airborne Particle Counter.凈化工作臺.凈化工程.離子風蛇.Handheld Laser Particle Counter.風量儀.氣溶膠發(fā)生器.溫濕度壓差測試儀.浮游細菌采樣器.光度計.通風柜.傳遞窗.風淋室.環(huán)境檢測儀.在線分析測試.多點動態(tài)實時監(jiān)測系統(tǒng).在線監(jiān)測系統(tǒng).大流量塵埃粒子計數(shù)器.粒子發(fā)生器