英文名稱:PresciseTM Protein Molecular weight Mark
描述:Has 7 protein bands of 15,25,35,50,75,100,150kDa to provide and exact,ladder-like,banding pattern for the most accurate molecular weight determination of unknown protein samples.The marker contains 400ug of protein(50ug per band with a 2×reference band of 100ug at 50kDa).Absent of oligosaccharides.this marker does not produce“fuzzy-bands”due to aberrant migration.Precise marker is an ideal standard suited for SDS-PAGE,and is also perfect fo Western-blotting because each protein contains an S-Tag peptide for direct detection by S-Protein alkaline phosphatase(AP)conjugate or S-protein horseradish peroxidase(HRP) conjugate
10734 15-150kDa精確分子量MARK/Precise Protein Molecular weight Mark 15000~150000,液體,7條帶 200微升/支 1600
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