MU30204Mouse P-Selectin ELISA kit
Mouse P-Selectin ELISA kit
MU30204 | Mouse P-Selectin ELISA kit | 96T |
MU30205 | Mouse L-Phenylalanine ammonla-lyase,PAL ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30206 | Mouse Soluble Cluster of differentiation 30 ligand,sCD30L ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30207 | Mouse Stem cell factor/mast cell growth factor,SCF/MGF ELISA kit | 96T |
MU30208 | Mouse Stromal cell derived factor 1β,SDF-1β ELISA kit | 96T |
MU30209 | Mouse Tumor necrosis factor soluble receptor Ⅰ,TNFsR-Ⅰ ELISA KIT | 96T |
MU30210 | Mouse Tumor necrosis factor soluble receptor Ⅱ,TNFsR-Ⅱ ELISA KIT | 96T |
MU30211 | Mouse Collagen Type Ⅳ,Col Ⅳ ELISA KIT | 96T |
MU30212 | Mouse Hexokinase,HK ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30213 | Mouse pyruvate dehydrogenase-E1,PDH E1 ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30214 | Mouse glycogen synthase kinase,GSK ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30215 | Mouse CXC-chemokine ligand 16,CXCL16 ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30216 | Mouse Ultrasensitivity Tri-iodothyronine,u-T3 ELISA Kit | 96T |
Product Number | Description | Size |
MU30217 | Mouse B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2,Bcl-2 ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30218 | Mouse CXC-chemokine receptor 3,CXCR3 ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30219 | Mouse Tumor Specific Growth Facter/tumor supplied group of factor,TSGF ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30220 | Mouse hydroxyproline,Hyp ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30221 | Mouse Osteoprotegerin Ligand,OPGL ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30222 | Mouse Lactoferrin,LTF/LF ELISA kit | 96T |
MU30223 | Mouse anti-Endomysial Antibody IgA,EMA IgA ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30224 | Mouse free fatty acids,FFA ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30225 | Mouse thrombospondin 1,TSP-1 ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30226 | Mouse osteonectin,ON ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30227 | Mouse Folic acid,FA ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30228 | Mouse histon-H2b ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30229 | Mouse Vascuolar cell adhesion molecule 1,VCAM-1 ELISA kit | 96T |
MU30230 | Mouse glucocorticoid receptor,GR ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30231 | Mouse Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone,LHRH ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30232 | Mouse Neuroglobin,NGB ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30233 | Mouse 8-iso prostaglandin,8-iso-PG ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30234 | Mouse interferon-inducible protein 16,IFI16/p16 ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30235 | Mouse Stromal cell derived factor 1a,SDF-1a ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30236 | Mouse Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor,VEGF ELISA KIT | 96T |
MU30237 | Mouse alpha-granular membrane protein,GMP-140 ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30238 | Mouse myeloperoxidase,MPO ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30239 | Mouse Glycogen phosphorylase BB,GP-BB ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30240 | Mouse Thyroxine antibody,TAb ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30241 | Mouse thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antidoby,TRAb ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30242 | Mouse catecholamine,CA ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30243 | Mouse Interleukin 27,IL-27 ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30244 | Mouse anti-alpha-Fodrin IgG/IgA,α-Fodrin IgG/IgA ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30245 | Mouse lipoprotein α,Lp-α ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30246 | Mouse Big Endothelin,Big ET ELISA Kit | 96T |
Product Number | Description | Size |
MU30247 | Mouse coagulation factor Ⅷ related antigen,FⅧ-Ag ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30248 | Mouse Fcoagulation factor Ⅸ,FⅨ ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30249 | Mouse coagulation factor Ⅹ,FⅩ ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30250 | Mouse von Willebrand Factor,vWF ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30251 | Mouse Pro Atrial Natriuretic Peptide,Pro-ANP ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30252 | Mouse N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide,NT-proBNP ELISA KIT | 96T |
MU30253 | Mouse plasmin-antiplasmin complex,PAP ELISA Kit | 96T |
MU30254 | Mouse thrombin-antithrombin complex,TAT ELISA Kit | 96T |
- PR40117Porcine low molecular weight heparin,LMWH ELISA Ki
- PR40116Porcine PⅢNT ELISA Kit
- PR40115Porcine Methemoglobin,MHB ELISA Kit
- PR40113Porcine Tissue factor,TF ELISA Kit
- PR40112Porcine t-PA ELISA Kit
- PR40111Porcine oxidized lowdensity lipoproteinOxLDL ELISA
- PR40110Porcine platelet-derived growth factor,PDGF ELISA
- PR40109Porcine thrombomodulin,TM ELISA Kit
- PR40108Porcine Fibrinogen Degradation Product,FDP ELISA
- PR40103Porcine Collagen Type Ⅲ,Col Ⅲ ELISA Kit
- PR40102Porcine PⅢNP ELISA Kit
- PR40095Porcine PⅠCP ELISA Kit
- PR40094Porcine Follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH ELISA Kit
- PR40093Porcine growth hormone releasing hormone,GHRH ELIS
- PR40092Porcine telomerase,TE ELISA Kit
- PR40089Porcine Testoterone,T ELISA Kit
- PR40084Porcine sVCAM-1 ELISA Kit
- PR40080Porcine endothelin 1,ET-1 ELISA Kit
- PR40079Porcine brain natriuretic peptide,BNP ELISA Kit
- PR40078Porcine Corticosterone,CORT ELISA Kit
- PR40077Porcine growth hormone,GH ELISA Kit
- PR40076Porcine Somatostatin,SS ELISA Kit
- PR40075Porcine Hyaluronic acid,HA ELISA Kit
- PR40073Porcine VCAM-1 ELISA Kit
- PR40072Porcine platelet activating factor,PAF ELISA Kit
- PR40067Porcine apoprotein B100,apo-B100 ELISA Kit
- PR40066Porcine adiponectin,ADP ELISA Kit
- PR40064Porcine Estradiol,E2 ELISA KIT
- PR40063Porcine Histamine,HIS ELISA Kit
- PR40062Porcine anti-thrombin receptor,ATR ELISA Kit
- PR40061Porcine thyrotropin-releasing hormone,TRH ELISA
- PR40059Porcine Epinephrine/Adrenaline,EPI ELISA Kit
- PR40056Porcine Estradiol receptor,ER ELISA Kit
- PR40055Porcine SP-A ELISA Kit
- PR40054Porcine MHCⅢ/SLAⅢ ELISA Kit
- PR40051Porcine GHRP ELISA Kit
- PR40048Porcine soluble P-selectin,sP-Selectin ELISA Kit
- PR40047Porcine ,MHCⅡ/SLAⅡ ELISA Kit
- PR40040Porcine AChRab ELISA Kit
- PR40039Porcine Angiopoietin 1,ANG-1 ELISA Kit