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3. ,中英文名稱及相關(guān)產(chǎn)品如下:
YS01320B | 人CCAAT增強(qiáng)子結(jié)合蛋白β(C/EBPβ)Elisa試劑盒 | Human CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta,C/EBPβ Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01321B | 人2,3-二磷酸甘油酸(2,3-DPG)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 2,3-Disphosphoglycerate,2,3-DPG Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01322B | 人蛋白二硫化物異構(gòu)酶前體(PDI)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Protein disulfide-isomerase precursor,PDI Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01323B | 人蛋白二硫化物異構(gòu)酶A3(PDIA3)Elisa試劑盒 | Human protein disulfide-isomerase A3,PDIA3 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01324B | 人基膜聚糖(lumican)Elisa試劑盒 | Human lumican Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01325B | 人*脫氫酶(SDH)Elisa試劑盒 | Human sorbitol dehydrogenase,SDH Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01326B | 人肽基脯氨酰順反異構(gòu)酶(PPI)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Peptidyl prolyl cis/trans isomerase,PPI Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01327B | 人*氨基甲酰轉(zhuǎn)移酶(OCT)Elisa試劑盒 | Human ornithine carbamoyl transferase,OCT Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01328B | 人Na+/H+交換體3(NHE3)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Na+/H+ exchanger 3,NHE3 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01329B | 人孤腓肽(OFQ/N)Elisa試劑盒 | Human orphanin FQ/nociceptin,OFQ/N Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01330B | 人彈性蛋白酶(Elastase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Elastase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01331B | 人*(Amylase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Amylase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01332B | 人堿性磷酸酶(ALP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human alkaline phosphatase,ALP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01333B | 人血管緊張肽酶(Angiotensinase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Angiotensinase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01334B | 人胰*(PAMY)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Pancreatic Amylase,PAMY Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01335B | 人胰脂肪酶(PL)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Pancreatic Lipase,PL Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01336B | 人脂氧素A4(LXA4)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Lipoxin A4,LXA4 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01337B | 人α烯醇化酶(α-enolase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human α-enolase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01338B | 人乙酰*酯酶(AChE)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Acetylcholinesterase,AChE Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01339B | 人纖維連接素相關(guān)抗原(FRA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human fibronection related antigen,FRA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01340B | 人胃泌素細(xì)胞抗體(GCA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human gastrin cell antibody,GCA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01341B | 人葡萄糖氧化酶(GOD)Elisa試劑盒 | Human glucose oxidase,GOD Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01342B | 人*羥化酶(TH)Elisa試劑盒 | Human tyrosine hydroxylase,TH Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01343B | 人巨噬細(xì)胞趨化因子(MCF)Elisa試劑盒 | Human macrophage chemotatic factor,MCF Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01344B | 人蛋白酶3特異性抗中性粒細(xì)胞胞質(zhì)抗體(PR3-ANCA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human proteinase-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody,PR3-ANCA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01345B | 人非神經(jīng)元性烯醇化酶(NNE)Elisa試劑盒 | Human non-neuronal enolase,NNE Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01346B | 人多巴胺脫羧酶(DDC)Elisa試劑盒 | Human dopamine decarboxylase,DDC Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01347B | 人多巴胺-β羥化酶(DBH)Elisa試劑盒 | Human dopamine-β-hydroxylase,DBH Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01348B | 人*乙?;福–HAc)Elisa試劑盒 | Human choline acetylase,CHAc Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01349B | 人β-促脂素(β-LPH)Elisa試劑盒 | Human β-lipotropic hormone,β-LPH Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01350B | 人6-羥多巴胺(6-OHDA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 6-hydroxydopamine,6-OHDA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01351B | 人游離原卟啉(FEP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Free erythrocyte proloporphyrin,FEP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01352B | 人脂磷壁酸(LTA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human lipoteichoic acids,LTA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01353B | 人異檸檬酸脫氫酶(ICD)Elisa試劑盒 | Human isocitrate dehydrogenase,ICD Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01354B | 人乙胺碘呋酮(AD)Elisa試劑盒 | Human amiodarone,AD Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01355B | 人*原Ⅱ(Try-Ⅱ)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Trypsinogen-2,Try-ⅡElisa試劑盒 |
YS01356B | 人腺苷脫氨酶(ADA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human adenosine deaminase,ADA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01357B | 人唾液酸(SA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Sialic acid,SA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01358B | 人透明質(zhì)酸酶(HAase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Hyaluronidase,HAase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01359B | 人天*氨基轉(zhuǎn)移酶(AST)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Aspartate aminotransferase,AST Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01360B | 人酸性磷酸酶(ACP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Acid Phosphatase,ACP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01361B | 人鞘磷脂(SM)Elisa試劑盒 | Human sphingomyelin,SM Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01362B | 人前列環(huán)素(PGI)Elisa試劑盒 | Human prostacycline,PGI Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01363B | 人葡萄糖6磷酸異構(gòu)酶(GPI)Elisa試劑盒 | Human glucose-6-phosphate isomerase,GPI Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01364B | 人尿游離*(UFC)Elisa試劑盒 | Human urinary free cortisol,UFC Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01365B | 人*(CS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human chondroitin sulfate,CS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01366B | 人硫酸皮膚素(DS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human dermatan sulfate,DS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01367B | 人硫酸類肝素(HS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human heparan sulfate,HS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01368B | 人硫酸角質(zhì)素(KS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human keratan sulfate,KS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01369B | 人磷酸葡萄糖變位酶(PGM)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Phosphoglucomutase,PGM Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01370B | 人亮氨酰氨基肽酶(LAP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Leucine aminopepridase,LAP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01371B | 人抗髓磷脂抗體IgA(anti-myelin Ab)Elisa試劑盒 | Human anti-myelin antibody IgA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01372B | Human Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody,ASCA Elisa試劑盒 | |
YS01373B | 人遲現(xiàn)抗原(VLA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human very late appearing antigen,VLA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01374B | 人吖啶橙(AO)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Acrine Orange,AO Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01375B | 人解脲脲原體抗體(UU-Ab)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Ureaplasma urealyticum antibody,UU-Ab Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01376B | 人甲胺喋呤(MTX)Elisa試劑盒 | Human methotrexate,MTX Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01377B | 人核糖核酸酶(RNASE)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Ribonuclease,RNASE Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01378B | 人過氧化脂質(zhì)/乳過氧化物酶(LPO)Elisa試劑盒 | Human lipid peroxlde,LPO Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01379B | 人甘膽酸(CG)Elisa試劑盒 | Human cholyglycine,CG Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01380B | 人芳基硫酸酯酶A(ASA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human aryl sulfatase A,ASA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01381B | 人對氧磷酶(PON)Elisa試劑盒 | Human paraoxonase,PON Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01382B | 人對氨基苯甲酸(PABA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human para-aminobenzoic acid,PABA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01383B | 人膽酸(Cholic acid)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Cholic acid Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01384B | 人苯*(LPA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human L-phenylalanine,LPA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01385B | 人半乳糖6硫酸酯酶(Gal-6S)Elisa試劑盒 | Human galactose-6-sulphate sulphatase,Gal-6S Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01386B | 人艾杜糖硫酸酯酶(IDS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human iduronate sulfatase,IDS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01387B | 人免疫核糖核酸(Irna)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Immune RNA,Irna Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01388B | 人β葡萄糖醛酸苷酶(βGD)Elisa試劑盒 | Human β-glucuronidase,βGD Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01389B | 人β葡糖苷酶(β-glucosidase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human β-glucosidase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01390B | 人β萘酚(β-naphthol)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Beta-naphthol Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01391B | 人β內(nèi)酰胺酶抑制劑(BLI)Elisa試劑盒 | Human β-Lactamase inhibitors,BLI Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01392B | 人β內(nèi)酰胺酶(β-lactamase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human β-lactamase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01393B | 人β甘露糖苷酶(β Manase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human β mannosidase,β Manase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01394B | 人β半乳糖苷酶(βGAL)Elisa試劑盒 | Human β-galactosidase,βGAL Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01395B | 人β氨基己糖苷酶A(β-hexosaminidase A)Elisa試劑盒 | Human β-hexosaminidase A Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01396B | 人α半乳糖基抗體(Gal)Elisa試劑盒 | Human α-galactoyl,Gal Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01397B | 人α羥基丁酸脫氫酶(αHBDH)Elisa試劑盒 | Human α-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase,αHBDH Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01398B | 人α葡萄糖苷酶(α-glucosidase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human α-Glucosidase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01399B | 人α甘露糖苷酶(α Manase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human α mannosidase,α Manase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01400B | 人α半乳糖苷酶(αGAL)Elisa試劑盒 | Human α-galactosidase,αGAL Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01401B | 人αN已酰氨基葡糖苷酶(αNAG)Elisa試劑盒 | Human αN-acetylglucosaminidase,αNAG Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01402B | 人αL艾杜糖苷酸酶(IDUA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human α-L-iduronidase,IDUA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01403B | 人α2纖溶酶抑制物(α2-PI)Elisa試劑盒 | Human α2-plasmin inhititor,α2-PI Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01404B | 人α2抗纖溶酶(α2-AP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human α2-Antiplasmin,α2-AP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01405B | 人N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)Elisa試劑盒 | Human N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminida se,NAG Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01406B | 人L苯*解氨酶(PAL)Elisa試劑盒 | Human L-Phenylalanine ammonla-lyase,PAL Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01407B | 人*腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸(NADPH)Elisa試劑盒 | Human nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate,NADPH Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01408B | 人5核苷酸酶(5-NT)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 5-Nucleotidase,5-NT Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01409B | 人17-酮類固醇(17-KS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 17-ketosteroids,17-KS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01410B | 人17羥皮質(zhì)類固醇(17-OHCS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids,17-OHCS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01411B | 人1,3-βD葡葡糖苷酶(1,3-βD glucosidase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 1,3-βD glucosidase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01412B | 人鈣粘蛋白相關(guān)的神經(jīng)受體1(CNR-1)Elisa試劑盒 | Human cadherln-related neuronal receptor1,CNR-1 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01413B | 人*加壓素(AVP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human arginine vasopressin,AVP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01414B | 人毛細(xì)血管擴(kuò)張性共濟(jì)失調(diào)突變基因(ATM)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Ataxia angiectasia mutated,ATM Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01415B | 人酸性神經(jīng)鞘磷脂酶(ASM)Elisa試劑盒 | Human acid sphingomyelinase, ASM Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01416B | 人花生四烯酸5脂加氧酶(ALOX-5)Elisa試劑盒 | Human arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase,ALOX-5 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01417B | 人5脂加氧酶(5-LO/LOX)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 5-lipoxygenase,5-LO/LOX Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01418B | 人芳香烴受體(AhR)Elisa試劑盒 | Human aryl hydrocarbon receptor,AhR Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01419B | 人晚期糖基化終末產(chǎn)物受體(RAGE/AGER)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Receptor for advanced glycation end products, RAGE/AGER Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01420B | 人特異性巨噬細(xì)胞武裝因子(SMAF)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Specifie Macrophage Arming Paetot,SMAF Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01421B | 人促有絲分裂因子(MF/MPF)Elisa試劑盒 | Human maturation promoting factor,MF/MPF Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01422B | 人腺苷酸環(huán)化酶1(AC-1)Elisa試劑盒 | Human adenylyl cyclase 1,AC-1 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01423B | 人可溶性腺苷酸環(huán)化酶(sAC)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Soluble Adenylate Cyclase,sAC Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01424B | 人抗鼠抗體(HAMA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human antimous antibody,HAMA ELISA |
YS01425B | 人鈣離子通道抗體(VGCC)Elisa試劑盒 | Human voltage-gated calcium channel,VGCC Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01426B | 人溴脫氧核苷*(BrdU)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Bromodeoxyuridine,BrdU Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01427B | 人胃粘液素(GM)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Gastric Mucin,GM Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01428B | 人纖維母細(xì)胞表面抗原(FSP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Fibroblast surface protein,FSP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01429B | 人轉(zhuǎn)移因子(TF)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Transfer factor,TF Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01430B | 人*脫羧酶(ODC)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Ornithine decarboxylase,ODC Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01431B | 人黑色素瘤相關(guān)抗原(MAGE)Elisa試劑盒 | Human melanoma-associated antigen,MAGE Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01432B | 人前膠原C端肽酶(PCP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human procollagen C peptidase,PCP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01433B | 人多形核白細(xì)胞彈性蛋白酶(PMN Elastase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Polymorphonuclear Elastase,PMN Elastase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01434B | 人補(bǔ)體片斷3b(C3b)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Complement fragment 3b,C3b Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01435B | 人補(bǔ)體片斷4b(C4b)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Complement fragment 4b,C4b Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01436B | 人補(bǔ)體片斷5b(C5b)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Complement fragment 5b,C5b Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01437B | 人不對稱二甲基*(ADMA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human asymmetrical dimethylarginine,ADMA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01438B | 人腎小球組織糖基化終末產(chǎn)物(GTE-AGE)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Glomerular tissue extract-advanced glycosylation end products,GTE-AGE Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01439B | 人組織多肽特異性抗原(TPS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human tissue polypeptide specific antigen,TPS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01440B | 人組織蛋白酶D(cath-D)Elisa試劑盒 | Human cathepsin D,cath-D Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01441B | 人脂肪酶(Lipase)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Lipase Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01442B | 人幽門螺旋桿菌IgM(Hp-IgM)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Helicobacter pylori IgM,Hp-IgM Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01443B | 人烏頭酸酶2(ACO-2)Elisa試劑盒 | Human aconitase 2,ACO-2 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01444B | 人*脫羧酶(GAD)Elisa試劑盒 | Human glutamic acid decarboxylase,GAD Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01445B | 人細(xì)胞角蛋白20(CK-20)Elisa試劑盒 | Human cytokeratin 20,CK-20 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01446B | 人細(xì)胞角蛋白19(CK-19)Elisa試劑盒 | Human cytokeratin 19,CK-19 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01447B | 人細(xì)胞角蛋白18(CK-18)Elisa試劑盒 | Human cytokeratin 18,CK-18 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01448B | 人胃泌素(Gastrin)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Gastrin Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01449B | 人α突觸核蛋白(α-SYN)Elisa試劑盒 | Human α-Synuclein,α-SYN Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01450B | 人糖鏈抗原19-9(CA19-9)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Carbohydrate antigen19-9,CA19-9 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01451B | 人松弛肽/松弛素(RLN)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Relaxin,RLN Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01452B | 人水蛭素(Hirudin)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Hirudin Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01453B | 人*(FK506)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Tacrolimus-FK506 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01454B | 人神經(jīng)降壓素(NT)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Neurotensin,NT Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01455B | 人上皮特異性抗原(ESA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human epithelial specific antigen,ESA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01456B | 人上皮膜抗原(EMA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Epithelial membrane antigen,EMA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01457B | *輕鏈lambda(λ-IgLC)Elisa試劑盒 | Human lambda immunoglobulin light chain,λ-IgLC Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01458B | 人*(LZM)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Lysozyme,LZM Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01459B | 人凝聚素(CLU)Elisa試劑盒 | Human clusterin,CLU Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01460B | 人T細(xì)胞受體(TCR)Elisa試劑盒 | Human T cell receptor,TCR Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01461B | 人硫酸褪黑色素(MS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human melatonin sulfate,MS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01462B | 人可溶性磷脂酶A2(sPL-A2)Elisa試劑盒 | Human soluble Phospholipase A2,sPL-A2 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01463B | 人OJ抗體/抗異亮氨酰tRNA合成酶抗體(OJ/IleRS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human anti-OJ-antibody,OJ/IleRS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01464B | 人抗滋養(yǎng)膜細(xì)胞抗體(ATA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human anti-trophoblast antibody,ATA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01465B | 人抗著絲點(diǎn)抗體(ACA/CENP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Anticentromere Antibody,ACA/CENP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01466B | 人胸腺非依賴性抗原(TI-Ag)Elisa試劑盒 | Human thymus independent antigen,TI-Ag Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01467B | 人胸腺依賴性抗原(TD-Ag)Elisa試劑盒 | Human thymus-dependent antigen,TD-Ag Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01468B | 人脫氧核糖核酸酶Ⅰ(DNase-Ⅰ)Elisa試劑盒 | Human deoxyribonuclease Ⅰ,DNase-Ⅰ Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01469B | 人中性粒細(xì)胞堿性磷酸酶(NAP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human neutrophilic alkaline phosphatase,NAP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01470B | 人A組鏈球菌菌壁多糖抗體(ASP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human antibody to group A streptococcal polysaccharide,ASP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01471B | 人活化蛋白C抵抗素(APCR)Elisa試劑盒 | Human activated protein C resistance,APCR Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01472B | 人外顯肽(extein)Elisa試劑盒 | Human extein Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01473B | 人花生四烯酸(AA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Arachidonic Acid,AA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01474B | 人*硫轉(zhuǎn)移酶pi基因(GSTpi)Elisa試劑盒 | Human glutathione S-transferases,GSTpi Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01475B | 人*S轉(zhuǎn)移酶(GSTs)Elisa試劑盒 | Human glutathione S-transferases,GSTs Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01476B | 人泛素分解酶(DUB)Elisa試劑盒 | Human deubiquitinating enzyme,DUB Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01477B | 人分泌型磷脂酶A2(sPLA2)Elisa試劑盒 | Human secreted phospholipase A2,sPLA2 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01478B | 人分泌成分(SC)Elisa試劑盒 | Human secretory component,SC Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01479B | 人泛素連接酶(E3/UBPL)Elisa試劑盒 | Human E3/ubiquitin-protein ligase,E3/UBPL Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01480B | 人二磷酸腺苷(ADP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Adenosine diphosphate,ADP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01481B | 人多巴色素異構(gòu)酶(DT)Elisa試劑盒 | Human dopachrome tautomerase,DT Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01482B | 人對*(CTX)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Cyclophosphamide,CTX Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01483B | 人泛素結(jié)合酶(E2/UBCE)Elisa試劑盒 | Human E2/ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme,E2/UBCE Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01484B | 人蛋白質(zhì)二硫鍵異構(gòu)酶(PDI)Elisa試劑盒 | Human protein disulfide isomerase,PDI Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01485B | 人蛋白酶3抗體(PR3Ab)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Proteinase 3 Antibody,PR3Ab Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01486B | 人蛋白聚糖(PG)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Proteoglycan,PG Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01487B | 人胱天蛋白酶激活的脫氧核糖核酸酶(CAD)Elisa試劑盒 | Human caspase activated deoxyribonuclease,CAD Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01488B | 人1,3-二磷酸甘油酸(1,3-DPG)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 1,3-Disphosphoglycerate,1,3-DPG Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01489B | 人促胃液素受體(GsaR)Elisa試劑盒 | Human gastrin receptor,GsaR Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01490B | 人1,5-脫水葡萄糖醇/1,5-脫水山梨(1,5-AG)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 1,5-anhydroglucitol,1,5-AG Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01491B | 人γ谷氨酰半*合成酶(γ-ECS)Elisa試劑盒 | Humanγ-glutamyl systeine synthetase,γ-ECS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01492B | 人吡啶酚(PYD)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Pyridinoline,PYD Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01493B | 人泛素激活酶(E1/UBAE)Elisa試劑盒 | Human E1/ubiquitin-activating enzyme,E1/UBAE Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01494B | 人β羥丁酸(β-OHB)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid,β-OHB Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01495B | 人極低密度脂蛋白受體(VLDLR)Elisa試劑盒 | Human very low density lipoprotein receptor,VLDLR Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01496B | 人低密度脂蛋白受體(LDLR)Elisa試劑盒 | Human low density lipoprotein receptor,LDLR Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01497B | 人5羥基吲哚乙酸(5-HIAA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid,5-HIAA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01498B | 人12羥二十烷四烯酸(12-HETE)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid,12-HETE Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01499B | 人流行性乙型腦炎抗體IgG(JE IgG)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Japanese Encephalitis IgG,JE IgG Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01500B | 人羥*(Hyp)Elisa試劑盒 | Human hydroxyproline,Hyp Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01501B | 人EJ抗體/抗甘氨酰tRNA合成酶抗體(EJ/GlyRS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human anti-EJ-antibody,EJ/GlyRS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01502B | 人*(FA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Folic acid,FA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01503B | 人血紅素氧合酶2(HO-2)Elisa試劑盒 | Human heme oxygenase 2,HO-2 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01504B | 人轉(zhuǎn)鐵蛋白受體(TFR/CD71)Elisa試劑盒 | Human transferrin receptor,TFR Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01505B | 人γ氨基丁酸(GABA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Gamma-aminobutyric acid,GABA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01506B | 人p物質(zhì)(SP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Substance P,SP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01507B | 人血管活性腸肽(VIP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide,VIP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01508B | 人血紅素氧合酶1(HO-1)Elisa試劑盒 | Human heme oxygenase 1,HO-1 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01509B | 人內(nèi)皮脂肪酶(EL)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Endothelial lipase,EL Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01510B | 人胃動(dòng)素(MTL)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Motilin,MTL Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01511B | 人主要組織相容性復(fù)合體Ⅰ類(MHCⅠ/HLAⅠ)Elisa試劑盒 | Human major histocompatibility complex Ⅰ,MHCⅠ/HLAⅠ Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01512B | 人上皮中性粒細(xì)胞活化肽78(ENA-78/CXCL5)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Epithelial neutrophil activating peptide 78,ENA-78 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01513B | 人核因子κB受體活化因子配基(RANKL)Elisa試劑盒 | Human receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand,RANKL Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01514B | 人抑制素B(INH-B)Elisa試劑盒 | Human inhibin B,INH-B Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01515B | 人誘導(dǎo)型一氧化氮合成酶(iNOS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human inducible nitric oxide synthase,iNOS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01516B | 人胰島素受體β(ISR-β)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Insulin Receptor β,ISR-β Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01517B | 人糖化血紅蛋白A1c(GHbA1c)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Glycated hemoglobin A1c,GHbA1c Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01518B | 人淋巴細(xì)胞功能相關(guān)抗原3(LFA-3/CD58)Elisa試劑盒 | Human lymphocyte function associated antigen 3,LFA-3 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01519B | 人褪黑素(MT)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Melatonin,MT Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01520B | 人主要組織相容性復(fù)合體Ⅲ類(MHCⅢ/HLA-Ⅲ)Elisa試劑盒 | Human major histocompatibility complex Ⅲ,MHCⅢ/HLA-Ⅲ Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01521B | 人主要組織相容性復(fù)合體Ⅱ類(MHCⅡ/HLA-Ⅱ)Elisa試劑盒 | Human major histocompatibility complex Ⅱ,MHCⅡ/HLA-Ⅱ Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01522B | 人25羥基*3(25(OH)D3/25 HVD3)Elisa試劑盒 | Human 25-Dihydroxy vitamin D3,HVD3 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01523B | 人*(VC)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Vitamin C,VC Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01524B | 人*6(VB6)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Vitamin B6,VB6 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01525B | 人乙酰*(ACH)Elisa試劑盒 | Human acetylcholine,ACH Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01526B | 人一氧化氮合成酶(NOS)Elisa試劑盒 | Human nitric oxide synthase,NOS Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01527B | 人*(VD)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Vitamin D,VD Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01528B | 人*1(VK1)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Vitamin K1,VK1 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01529B | 人*12(VB12)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Vitamin B12,VB12 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01530B | 人*3(VD3)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Vitamin D3,VD3 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01531B | 人*2(VD2)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Vitamin D2,VD2 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01532B | 人*(VE)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Vitamin E,VE EElisa試劑盒 |
YS01533B | 人*(VA)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Vitamin A,VA Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01534B | 人鳥苷酸交換因子(GEF)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Guanine Exchange Factor,GEF Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01535B | 人脂聯(lián)素(ADP)Elisa試劑盒 | Human adiponectin,ADP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01536B | 人*受體(VD R)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Vitamin D Receptor,VD R Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01537B | 人毒性休克綜合征毒素1(TSST-1)Elisa試劑盒 | Human toxic shock syndrome toxin,TSST-1 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01538B | 人金葡菌腸毒素(SE)Elisa試劑盒 | Human staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins,SE Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01539B | 人鈣聯(lián)蛋白(calnexin)Elisa試劑盒 | Human calnexin Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01540B | 人*龍(Prednisolone)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Prednisolone Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01541B | 人繆勒管抑制物質(zhì)/抗繆勒管激素(MIS/AMH)Elisa試劑盒 | Human Mullerian Inhibiting Substance/Anti-Mullerian hormone,MIS/AMH Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01542B | 大鼠凋亡誘導(dǎo)因子(AIF)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat apoptosis inducing factor,AIF Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01543B | 大鼠脂多糖結(jié)合蛋白(LBP)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat lipolysaccharide binding protein,LBP Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01544B | 大鼠乙醇脫氫酶(ADH)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat alcohol dehydrogenase,ADH Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01545B | 大鼠乙醛脫氫酶(ALDH)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat aldehyde dehydrogenase,ALDH Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01546B | 大鼠可溶性白細(xì)胞分化抗原14(sCD14)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat solution cluster of differentiation 14,sCD14 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01547B | 大鼠多巴胺D2受體(D2R)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat dopamine D2 receptor,D2R Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01548B | 大鼠白細(xì)胞分化抗原44(CD44)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat cluster Of differentiation,CD44 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01549B | 大鼠*Ⅻ(FⅫ)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat coagulation factor Ⅻ,FⅫ Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01550B | 大鼠*ⅩⅢ(FⅩⅢ)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat coagulation factor ⅩⅢ,FⅩⅢ Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01551B | 大鼠*Ⅲ(FⅢ)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat coagulation factor Ⅲ,FⅢ Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01552B | 大鼠白介素2受體(IL-2R)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat Interleukin-2 receptor,IL-2R Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01553B | 大鼠β羥丁酸(βOHB)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid,β-OHB Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01554B | 大鼠轉(zhuǎn)化生長因子β2(TGFβ2)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat transforming growth factorsβ2,TGFβ2 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01555B | 大鼠單核細(xì)胞趨化蛋白4(MCP-4/CCL13)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat monocyte chemotactic protein 4,MCP-4 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01556B | 大鼠網(wǎng)膜素(omentin)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat omentin Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01557B | 大鼠磷酸化細(xì)胞外信號調(diào)節(jié)激酶(pERK)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat phospho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase,pERK Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01558B | 大鼠淋巴細(xì)胞因子Elisa試劑盒 | Rat lymphocyte factor Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01559B | 大鼠信號轉(zhuǎn)導(dǎo)分子(Smad1)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat signal transduction-Smad1 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01560B | 大鼠信號轉(zhuǎn)導(dǎo)分子7(Smad7)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat signal transduction-Smad7 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01561B | 大鼠補(bǔ)體因子H(CFH)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat complement factor H,CFH Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01562B | 大鼠血小板衍生生長因子BB(PDGF-BB)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat plaet-derived growth factor-BB,PDGF-BB Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01563B | 大鼠CXC趨化因子配體16(CXCL16)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat CXC-chemokine ligand 16,CXCL16 Elisa試劑盒 |
YS01564B | 大鼠腫瘤特異生長因子/腫瘤相關(guān)因子(TSGF)Elisa試劑盒 | Rat Tumor Specific Growth Facter/tumor supplied group of factor,TSGF Elisa試劑盒 |